My lovely blank newsletter
November 16th, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving
NMMEA wishes you a happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for you and the work that you do in the classroom everyday that impacts the lives of thousands of New Mexico students. Enjoy a well deserved break and charge up for the sprint to the end of the semester! We will see you very soon in January for the 2024 All-State Music Festival and In-Service Conference!
Conference Reminders
With the holidays approaching, make sure you have everything in order to attend the January conference!
- Have you registered yourself to attend?
- Have you sent a PO to the executive director for registration?
- Do you have a hotel room?
- Do you have transportation?
- Have you scheduled time for a cinnamon roll at the Frontier?
Congratulations All-State Musicians
NMMEA saw audition numbers rebound to near pre pandemic numbers making selection even more difficult. Congratulations to this year's All-State musicians. The event promised to be life changing to these young musicians. Congratulations!
Interested in judging or conducting a district event?
Several districts have expressed an interest in access to a list of members who would be interested in judging, conducting, and/or presenting at the district level. If you would be interested, please take this short survey. Results will be shared with District Presidents.
Fine Arts Coordinator or person of contact
As we work to strengthen the Fine Arts leadership throughout the state, we are trying to identify and contact all fine arts coordinators or people filling that role in the state. This might look vastly different in school districts of different sizes (full time staff vs. a full time teacher who is the point of contact for fine arts teachers in the district).
Please take a minute and submit the following information regarding you district's point of contact. We will take it from there.
All-State Reminders
Have you made lodging arrangements for your students? NMMEA contracts with a conference hotel, however you can make arrangements at other hotels as well. The conference hotel fills to capacity so please call today to reserve rooms. If you have more rooms reserved than you need, please call and release rooms that are not needed.
Student Participation Fee
You should have received an invoice for student participation fees. If you have not, please contact Neil Swapp.
- If paying by school funds, please send a copy of the PO to Neil today.
- If paying by check, please mail check today.
- If paying by credit card, follow the link in the invoice email to make payment.
Please make sure that this is taken care of by December 1st so that any issues can be dealt with before winter vacation.
Remember that you are responsible for securing music for your students. Musicality is the official vendor for all instrumental ensembles as well as vocal jazz. Please contact Mike today and he will arrange to have folders sent to you.
Choral directors can secure music from their preferred vendor, but please order early as some suppliers might run out of copies. A few of the pieces must be secured from the publisher or composer. Follow this link for more information. Music to the Star Spangled Banner for Treble Choir was sent via email to all directors who have Treble Choir members.
Choral Learning Tracks
Choral Tracks is supplying learning tracks for the choral programs. Please contact them directly to place your order. A few early orders were missing a few of the tracks, but Matthew should be providing those in the next few days.
Student Schedule
The final student schedule will be posted on the website the first week of December. For planning purposed please see the following tentative schedule:
- 2:30 - Small School Band rehearsal / meeting
- 3:30 - Band (LG), Choir, and Orchestra rehearsal / meeting
- 4:30 - Mandatory meeting in Popejoy
- 5:15 - Immediately following meeting students will have sectionals, rehearsals and memory tests
Thursday and Friday
- 8:00 - Rehearsal
- Lunch break is slightly different for some ensembles
- 6:30 - Rehearsals conclude
- 8:00 - Rehearsal
- Concert schedule (click here)