OLHMS Weekly 3/21/23
Tuesday's Top of the Mind Topics: Parent Survey & Spring Break
Did you know that only 21% of OLHMS parents have completed the 5Essentials School Survey? Your input is extremely important and only takes a few minutes!
- This survey provides a platform for students, teachers, and parents to express their opinions on ways to improve their community's schools. Please take a moment to ensure your voice is part of the process by participating in the survey. The 5Essentials survey helps school administrators in District 123 prioritize and plan for the upcoming school year. Our school will only receive the results of the survey if enough families, staff, and students participate.
Did you know Spring Break begins next week?
Hopefully, all of our scholars and families are prepared for a wonderful Spring Break. We will keep our fingers crossed for great weather allowing us the opportunity to spend some time outdoors! That said, as we look ahead to finish our 22/23 school year we only have 44 school days remaining so make sure to remind our scholars to get their rest over the break so we can come back refreshed for a very busy finish to the year!
Did you know D123 Summer Programming is NOW available?
Looking past the next 44 days of school might have a few of us thinking about Summer! Check out this link for D123 Summer programs!
Announcements/ Reminders
Mustang Families,
We had the pleasure of hosting an incredible display of talent as our OLHMS Chorus combined with Hometown and Hannum Elementary Schools for a choral experience for over 400 guests! Amazing job to each of our scholars and future OLHMS scholars!! Thank you to our guests for spending the time enjoying the performance and HUGE appreciation to each of our school staff leaders and volunteers for putting together a great performance and experience!
We have some exciting news from our Declamation competition last night at Liberty!
Congratulations to:
-Malak D. a 6th place finalist in Oratorical Declamation
-Jasper K. a 6th place finalist in Dramatic Interpretation
-Peyton M. 3rd place in Poetry
-Anthony H. 2nd place in Humorous Interpretation
-Olivia L. & Abby G. 2nd place in Humorous Duet
We are so proud of our team and their courageous efforts! Go Mustangs!
OLHMS Sock Drive: Our Sock Drive is ending this week! Help our scholars prepare for Service Day next month by donating socks that will be delivered to Cradles for Crayons!
Traffic and Buses: Thanks to our families who have continued to be respectful of our one way during arrival and dismissal. If you have a family member dropping off student(s) or adjusted your routine, please remind them of this one way pattern on Oak Center Dr.
- It is very helpful to pull all the way up on the circle to drop off students or allow them to walk the circle drive to the entrance. We have been experiencing some delays due to cars stopping at the entrance of the half circle.
- Our main entrance is for buses only. Parents should not be using the main entrance to drop students off in the morning(8:30am) or pick them up during dismissal(3:20pm).
OLHMS Career Fair: DO you love your job and love to share your expertise with others? Do you love presenting and talking to young adults? If you answered YES, to all three, please reach out about presenting in our OLHMS Career Fair on April 6th. Please contact our 8th grade counselor, Mrs. Vanessa Follmar, at VFollmar@d123.org.
Skyward Family Access: Make sure you are checking/ logging into Skyward Family Access routinely. This is a great place to obtain supportive information such as student's courses, bus routes, student fees/ debts.
Student Debts: Please make sure to review student debts via Family Access. There are multiple students who have accumulated debts purchasing items from the cafeteria and lost ID's.
Student IDs: Please remind our scholars that they should be maintaining and wearing their student ID daily. Students do receive charges for lost, missing or damaged ID's.
Class of 2023 Reminder/ Update
A reminder email and posting on our scholar's Google Classroom was sent with updated information for our Class of 2023! If you you have an 8th Grade scholar and did not receive the update, please ask your child to view their Google Classroom! Here is the LINK with the original information. Current 8th grade scholars should be making their payments online and completing the application if they are interested in being a SELECT 123 Scholar!
OLHMS PTSA: Next Meeting 4/3/23
All staff and families are highly encouraged to join the PTSA and attend meetings. This is an incredible opportunity, partnership and fun way to support our scholar’s experience at the middle school!
- Thank you all of the families attending our last meeting. We had a great discussion about mental health and welcomed some new faces!
- The Century Fundraiser items are expected to arrive between April 3rd -6th. Thank you for supporting!
Membership can be online using this link: https://olhmsptsa.memberhub.com/store
Looking Ahead
3/22/23: Ramadan Begins
3/23/23: Variety Show
3/24/23: iFest
3/27-3/31: Spring Break
4/3/23: 8th Grade College Tour, EDGE Graduation (6th Grade), PTSA Meeting
4/4/23: Staff Institute (No School)
4/6/23: Erin’s Law Presentations (AM), Career Fair (PM)
4/7 & 4/10/23: No School
4/10: D123 Family Skate
4/13: Parent University
4/12-4/14/23: IAR Testing
4/27/23: D123 Art Show
4/28/23: Service Day
4/29/23: IGSMA State Competition
2023-24 School District Calendar Approved
D123 Hiring
High School Happenings
Oak Lawn Community High School
2023 Viewbook: Learn what IMSA is all about! Our Application for the Academy is open!
IMSA Profile: Information about matriculation, courses, and colleges that our students attend
Little Redhawk Tutoring Program
Mother McAuley Science Bowl Registration
Providence Catholic High School