CPA Tiger Talk
January 22-26, 2024

No School for Students on Monday Jan 22
There is no school for students on Monday January 22. This is a day set aside for teachers to complete grade reports for the end of the term.
We look forward to welcoming students back in the building on Tuesday January 23.
CPA Enrollment Update!
We are currently in the process of enrolling students for the 2024-2025 school year. Student Intent to Return forms were due to the CPA office on January 16. If you did not yet turn in your form, please contact the CPA office as soon as possible to ensure we save your spot for next year.
If you have other students you want to enroll at CPA, visit our website to complete an application before the February 1 enrollment deadline. Thank you!
Save the Date: CPA's Carnival Fundraiser is on Saturday Feb 3!
All are invited to join us for the CPA Carnival Fundraiser & Online Auction! The Carnival will take place in the CPA gyms and cafeteria on Saturday February 3 from 11am-2pm, and will feature games, prizes, an inflatable, cotton candy, food, face paint, an online silent auction, and more.
This event is a fundraiser, and generosity is appreciated, but there are fun free activities to participate in as well--so the excitement doesn't have to stop when your tickets run out! Elementary aged children and younger must be supervised while at this event.
Want to get involved? We are looking for help in many ways:
- Join the planning committee! We will meet on Thursdays at 3pm in the main conference room. All are welcome!
- Consider making a donation! We need bottles for our Bottle Lotto (pop, bottled water, gatorade, etc), treats for our cake walk, and new items (gift baskets, gift cards, etc) for our raffle and online auction! Contact Sadie Fischer at sadief@cpapk12.org or 651-280-4564 to connect about making a donation.
- Sign up to volunteer with the carnival! We will need around 75 volunteers to make this awesome event happen. Volunteers will receive 10 free tickets to use at the carnival as a sign of our appreciation. Thanks for your support!
- Bid generously on the CPA Online Auction, which will open on Friday January 26 and will close at 10pm on Saturday Feb 3! Check it out and share the link: new.biddingowl.com/CPA2024
For more information, please contact Sadie Fischer at sadief@cpapk12.org or 651-280-4564.
CPA Carnival Online Auction
Have you visited the online auction for CPA's Carnival Fundraiser yet? Bidding opens at 3pm on Friday January 26 and closes at 10pm on Saturday February 3. Check it out at new.biddingowl.com/CPA2024!
This year's auction includes a variety of exciting items, ranging from gift cards to theatre tickets to gift baskets and more! Bidders can also browse through teacher wish lists and purchase items for CPA classrooms through the Fund-A-Need category.
Please bid generously and share the link with everyone you know who would like to support CPA!
A special thanks to our donors:
- St. Paul Saints Baseball Club
- Minnesota Wild
- Actors Theatre of Minnesota/Laugh Camp Comedy Club
- Costco Wholesale
- Three Rivers Park District
- Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
- Stages Theatre Company
- Lake Monster Brewing Company
- King Coil Spirits
- Minnesota Zoo Foundation
- Science Museum of Minnesota
- Breadsmith
- Children's Theatre Company
- Total Wine & More
- Paintball Minnesota
- John Metcalfe
- Terry Moffatt
- And the list keeps growing!
Words of Wisdom
"Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount."
-Clare Booth Luce
Ethical Principle of the Month
Monday January 22: No School for Students: Staff Grading & Reporting Day
Tuesday January 23: First Day of Quarter 3/Semester 2
Wednesday January 24: Elementary Game Night, 5:30-7pm (see below)
Friday January 26: 3pm bidding opens for the CPA Carnival's Online Auction at new.biddingowl.com/CPA2024 (see below)
Thursday February 1: New Student Enrollment Deadline for the 2024-2025 School Year
Friday February 2: Early Release Day (dismissal at 12:30pm)
Saturday February 3: CPA Carnival Fundraiser, 11am-2pm (see below)
Monday February 5: New Student Lottery for the 2024-2025 School Year
This Week's Athletics Schedule
This Week's Menus
FREE Breakfast Daily from 7:40-8:30am
Free Breakfast is available to all students 7:40-8:30am every day.
Please encourage your students to arrive on time and eat a free breakfast!
Free Meals for All!
New this year: all Minnesota students will receive a free breakfast and lunch every day!
Students who wish to purchase a second lunch may do so. Students or staff can add money to their lunch account using the SchoolPay system.
Current breakfast and lunch menus can be found on the CPA website.
CPA Highlights
Juniors have been working hard to prepare their Citizenship Projects!
Students spent time reading books while waiting for their rides!
Lunchtime is a great chance to bond with friends!
College Knowledge & Active Citizenship Night
Members of the junior class shared their Active Citizenship Projects!
Guests talked with representatives from colleges about their programs!
Volunteers shared information and resources to help with the path to college!
Congrats to the December Peacebuilders of the Month!
Follow CPA on Social Media to Stay Connected!
Elementary Game Night Wednesday Jan 24
Attention Elementary Students and Families! Join us for Elementary Game Night on Wednesday January 24 from 5:30-7pm in the cafeteria! Games are free to play, and food and beverage will be available for purchase.
If you plan to attend, please use this form to RSVP so we have enough food and supplies!
All students must be accompanied by an adult. Please enter through Door A. See you at Game Night!
Important Transportation & Carpool Update
We are aware that since coming back from winter break, there have been some challenges with our transportation company, which contracts with various providers to get all our students to and from school each day. Please know that we are are working with our transportation company to rectify these issues. All questions regarding transportation should be directed to the transportation hotline at 651-478-2482.
If you drop your students off at CPA, they must be dropped off at Door E on Jessamine (by the RGA). Please do not drop students off in the bus zone on Magnolia prior to 7:55am.
Teen Employment & Training Opportunity!
The City of St. Paul's Right Track Youth Employment & Training Program is now accepting applications! Youth ages 14-21 are encouraged to apply by the February 29 deadline.
Participants will received paid training and employment opportunities. Visit stpaul.gov/righttrack to learn more or to apply!
11th Grade ACT Update
All CPA 11th Grade students have been registered to take the ACT exam on Tuesday, March 26th at CPA. The ACT is a standardized test used for college admission. You can find more information at the following links:
Gently Used Uniforms Needed!
Does your family have gently used uniforms that you no longer use that you could donate to CPA?
If so, please bag them and bring them to the elementary office! Our greatest need is in youth sized shirts. We especially need size youth small. Thank you for your support!
Athletics Shirts for Sale!
The shirts feature the CPA Athletics logo and cost $20 for adult sizes and $15 for youth sizes. A portion of the proceeds from sales will go toward the CPA Athletics department. Thanks for your support! GO TIGERS!
CPA Uniform Policy
All students must wear:
- A CPA shirt as the outermost layer
- Blue, Black, Khaki or Gray Solid Color Pants or Shorts
- OR Girls’ Navy Uniform Jumper, Skirt or Skort (elementary only)
Please review the full uniform policy in our Family Handbook for further details. Thank you!
Get your CPA Swag!
CPA uniform shirts can be purchased through the office. Anyone who is interested in additional uniform clothing options is encouraged to visit CPA's Online Spiritwear Store to personalize and order CPA apparel and accessories. Discount codes change frequently but are visible on the spirit store website.
Please Note: Names on any student apparel must be your last name only. If the name on your apparel is not your last name, the item is considered out of uniform and you will not be allowed to wear the item during the school day.
How do you want us to contact you?
Visit the SchoolNow website (https://www.schoolnow.com/get-started/comofpeace) and sign in with your email address or phone number. You can also download the SchoolNow app to stay even more connected!
Attendance Reporting
- Elementary School Attendance Line: 651-280-4534
- Middle School Attendance Line: 651-289-3740
- High School Attendance Line: 651-280-4535
- Email: CPAAttendance@cpapk12.org
- Attendance Online Form: Available through the CPA Website
Every Meal Weekend Food Support
Drop-Off & Pick Up Procedures
If you drop your students off at CPA in the morning before 7:55am, please drop them off at Door E on Jessamine Ave.
It may seem more convenient to drop children off on Magnolia, but we need to keep that street clear for buses until 7:55am. Thank you for your cooperation.
CPA is Now Enrolling!
CPA is now accepting enrollment applications for the 2024-2025 school year! We also have a limited number of seats open for the current school year.
If you have any family or friends who are looking to join a new school community, please encourage them to apply and send them this link! Thanks for your support.
Translation Support
If you prefer, our liaisons will be happy to translate or explain any announcements in Tiger Talk or answer any questions you have about CPA. Contact Maikao Lee at 651-280-4545 (Hmong), Mariana Majil at 651-289-3742 (Spanish), or Paw Nay Bu at 651-280-4591 (Karen) for support.
If your phone number, address, or enrollment plans change, please call 651-776-5151 to let us know. Thank you!
Community of Peace Academy
Email: connect@cpapk12.org
Website: cpapk12.org
Location: 471 Magnolia Avenue East, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-776-5151
Facebook: facebook.com/CPATigers