Notus Jr. Sr. High School
Weekly Update: Dec 11 - Dec 18
A Note from Principal Wright
The first semester is coming to an end! Students have this week to wrap up new learning and assignments. Please take a few minutes to login to PowerSchool and look through grades and assignments with your students. It is important to finish strong! We have been working hard with our students in realizing the importance of GPAs and setting goals for their futures. Last week we met with every Senior to review their graduation progress. EVERY Senior is ON TRACK to graduate. We will be finishing up meeting with 11th and 10th graders this week.
We are looking forward to finishing the first semester strong! Go Pirates!
Monday, December 12
Wear your sweaters!
Need a Christmas Dinner Basket?
If you or someone you know needs a Christmas Dinner Basket, please let Jen know! We have a beautiful donation of dinner baskets headed to Notus next week!
Let's Follow Our 4Rs!
We all know that the weeks before a holiday break can sometimes be more difficult to keep behaviors in check. Please talk with your students about the importance of following our expectations for behavior and academics. Have you checked PowerSchool lately? Let's finish 1st semester strong!
Event Information
Parent Workshop, Dual Credit Information
Wednesday, Dec 14, 2022, 06:15 PM
Room 126 Notus High School
Notus Jr. Sr. High School
Email: wrightj@notusschools.org
Website: https://www.notusschools.org/
Location: 25260 Notus Road, Notus, ID
Phone: 208-459-4633