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Parkland Magnet Middle School
Sunday Message - September 13
Monday, September 14 is an ODD day.
ALL students will take the Math Diagnostic Test (MAP-M) on Wednesday, September 16.
Testing begins at 9:00 am
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Back to School Night will be ALL VIRTUAL and will be on Wednesday, September 23 starting at 7:00 pm.
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Attention 8th Grade Families
We are just starting 8th grade, but it is already time to start learning about the High Choice process.
Counselor Classroom Visits
Week of Sept 14 - Counselors will be going into PE classes to talk to students about the High School Choice process.
DCC Information Meeting
September 24th at 6pm - The DCC will hold its Virtual Information Session on the MCPS website at Watch on the MCPS website at https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org
High School Open Houses (links to these meeting will be shared when they are available).
October 1st at 7pm - Einstein High School's Open House
October 5th at 7pm - Montgomery Blair High School's Open House
October 7th at 7pm - Wheaton High School's Open House
October 21st at 7pm - Northwood High School's Open House
October 28 at 7pm - John F. Kennedy High School's Open House
Visit https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/downcounty/ in October to learn more.
The DCC Bulliten Board is also a resource for details and updates.
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Technical Support Google Form
Paper copies are also available at Parkland.
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Student Service Learning (SSL) Hours
Please submit any SSL forms to Mrs. Garris by email (Andrea_R_Garris@mcpsmd.org) for student service learning that was completed during the 2019-2020 school year. The deadline to submit these forms is Friday September 25th. In addition, students who completed SSL hours during the summer are also strongly encouraged to submit the forms by the September deadline. Students must complete the student reflection and provide documentation that the service was completed in the event a supervisor signature was unable to be attained due to restrictions from COVID-19.
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Latino Parent Community Meeting
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Extracurricular Activities
Fall Athletics Registration
The middle school interscholastic athletics program is available for students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade and consists of three virtual sport seasons, including fall (cross country and softball), winter (basketball), and spring (soccer). The middle school virtual athletic seasons consists of two student-athlete and coach engagement sessions per week, for a total of six engagement sessions over the course of approximately three to four weeks. The fall virtual season is scheduled to occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays after-school, beginning on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 and finishing on Thursday, October 8, 2020.
All students participating in the fall virtual season, as part of the MCPS interscholastic athletics program, must complete the online registration process. Registration is done electronically through the MS Athletics Registration form:
Students and parents/guardians who have difficulty with registration should contact the Mr. Flanagan at Brendan_T_Flanagan@mcpsmd.org
Afterschool Clubs and Activities
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Student Meals Information
Free and Reduced Meals Application Form
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Parkland Magnet Middle School for Aerospace Technology
Email: Aaron_K_Shin@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/parklandms/
Location: 4610 West Frankfort Drive, Rockville, MD, USA
Phone: 240-740-6800
Twitter: @PMMSPanthers