February 2020
Hope, Healing, and Wholeness
Email: lwilliamson@prov.church
Website: https://prov.church/ministries/kids/
Location: 2293 S. Rutland Road, Mt. Juliet, TN
Phone: 615.773.7862
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProvKIDS/
Jesus loves everyone!
All Aboard! Jesus loves everyone, and He wants everyone to come aboard and be His friend forever. When we look at the kind of friend Jesus was while He was on earth, we can see that Jesus truly does love everyone. Throughout the Bible, we find accounts of the times that Jesus loved those considered unworthy and wanted to be their friend—no matter what.
At some point, even our precious preschoolers will all find themselves in the shoes of these “unworthy” people. Like Zacchaeus, they will have friends mad at them for a wrong choice. Or, they may not feel like they fit in because of where they’re from much like the woman at the well. But, Jesus loves them anyway—no matter what. That is what we want them to know. That will help them choose grace and to love everyone the way Jesus loves them. So let’s get ready for an amazing ride together. All Aboard!
Try This . . .
In the Morning
Snack Time . . .
Have your child put the fruit loops on the pipe cleaner (for a greater challenge you can give them a color pattern to follow).
When the pipe cleaner is almost filled, bend the pipe cleaner into the shape of a heart.
Use the heart like a looking glass to find people in your family that Jesus loves (pictures and pets count too!)
On the Move . . .
Does Jesus love that construction worker? Yes!
Does Jesus love that lady in the red car? Yes!
Does Jesus love that police officer? Yes!
Does Jesus love that man driving the big truck? Yes!
Does Jesus love that person riding the bike? Yes!
Jesus loves everyone!
In Prayer...
Cuddle with your child this month and pray, “Dear God, thank You that Jesus loves everyone. He loves me and [child’s name] and (name family, friends, people in community, anyone your child may recognize). Jesus loves everyone! Help us love everyone the way Jesus loves everyone. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Literature Connection
If Jesus Lived Inside My Heart
If Jesus lived inside our hearts, would it show in our daily actions? This delightful little story explores just that as the toddlers in the story learn to be kind and generous in a variety of situations. The book may be used by parents as an introduction to Jesus and a way to discuss the many ways He lives within us.
Jesus Loves the Little Children
Cuddle and Sing and remind your child that Jesus loves everyone!
I know Jesus Loves Me
Little P.K. knows Jesus loves him. But how does he know? P.K. tells us that Jesus' love is shown 'By the things he creates, from warm, grassy meadows to cool, glassy lakes.' And little P.K. is so excited by the love of Jesus that he hopes that Jesus knows he loves him in return.