CPA Tiger Talk
September 6-10, 2021
Translation Support
If you prefer, our liaisons will be happy to translate or explain any announcements in Tiger Talk or answer any questions you have about CPA. Contact Maikao Lee at 651-280-4545 (Hmong), Mariana Majil at 651-280-3742 (Spanish), or Paw Nay Bu at 651-280-4591 (Karen) for support.
We Are A Community of Peace.
At Community of Peace Academy, we emphasize Peace. It's in our name, and it's one of our Core Values, which reads "CPA is a diverse community of students, parents, and staff dedicated to creating a peaceful school environment in which all members are treated with unconditional positive regard."
We recognize that it takes all of us to create peace--we all need to work together to build the community we want to be part of. This is much easier when we assume those around us have positive intentions. If we give others the benefit of the doubt instead of making assumptions about them, we show them respect and earn theirs in return.
Thank you for your role in making our school community a peaceful one!
Ethical Principle of the Month
Important Dates to Remember!
-September 6: No School (Labor Day)
-September 8: Varsity Boys Soccer Game @Lake International Language Academy
-September 9: Varsity Cross Country Invitational @Fridley
-September 10: Final deadline to join fall athletics (grades 9-12)
-September 17: Final deadline to join fall athletics (grades 7-8)
-September 17: Registration deadline for the October ACT exam
Elementary School Spotlight
Hopes & Dreams
Reading & Growing
Feel the Beat
Middle School Spotlight
Hard at Work!
High School Spotlight
Group Work!
Time to Bond
Top 10 Speeches
Follow CPA on Social Media to Stay Connected!
Ethical Quote of the Week
No School on Labor Day!
11th & 12th Grade ACT Registration
Masks Required on Buses
Athletics Update
We are so excited to have the opportunity to have sports again! CPA is offering the following fall sports for grades 7-12: Boys Soccer, Girls Volleyball, and Boys & Girls Cross Country.
Any interested students must join before September 10 (grades 9-12) or September 17 (Grades 7 & 8). Athletes must be registered and paid before starting practice. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact CPA's Athletic Director Kenan Moore.
Visit the CPA Website for more information, registration forms, and the athletics calendar!
Expect Bus Delays
Daily Health Screening
Due to the ongoing pandemic, we need to be extra careful about spreading any illnesses at school. Parents should do a health screening of their children each morning before school. If students are not feeling well or have symptoms of any illness, please keep them home for the day. If students exhibit any of the symptoms of COVID-19 listed below, they must be tested for COVID-19 before returning to school. COVID-19 symptoms include:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
Annual Pesticide and Asbestos Notification
Tech Device Returns Needed!
If you have a family member with a CPA device who has graduated or left CPA for other reasons, please return the device(s) to CPA as soon as possible. Thanks for helping us meet our goal of providing a device to each currently enrolled student!
Video of the week: Anti-Bullying Video Made By CPA Middle Schoolers! Feat. Mr. Moore
If your phone number, address, or enrollment plans change, please update the office by calling 651-776-5151. Thank you!
Community of Peace Academy
Email: connect@cpapk12.org
Website: cpapk12.org
Location: 471 Magnolia Avenue East, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-776-5151
Facebook: facebook.com/CPATigers