Gallatin Elementary
Week of February 20, 2023
NO SCHOOL- Monday, February 20th
TRRFCC Tuesday- 2/21/23
Spring Picture Day- March 1st
Only students who pre-pay for a picture will be taking pictures. If you would like your child to take a picture that day, please send them with the completed order form or pay online.
Steps to pay online:
2. Access Code: ZEUR9S6VX5
3. Enter your email
4. Input your child's information and pay for your pictures
A principios de esta semana las familias recibieron información sobre nuestras Fotos de Primavera.
Solamente los estudiantes que pagan por adelantado para una foto tomarán fotos. Si desea que su hijo se tome una foto ese día, por favor envíelas con el formulario de pedido completo o pague en línea.
Pasos para pagar en línea:
2. Código de acceso: ZEUR9S6VX5
3. 3. Introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico
4. Introduzca los datos de su hijo y pague las fotos
Want to get involved with PTA?
Si desea involucrarse más con la PTA de Gallatin por favor eche un vistazo a las imágenes de abajo que detallan las descripciones de nuestra Junta Ejecutiva de posición y envíe su propuesta rellenando el formulario de google
Safety First- Loading/Unloading Zone
Por favor, no aparque o salga de su vehículo en la zona designada de carga/descarga en Brookshire Ave. Los estudiantes deben ser capaces de entrar y salir de su vehículo independientemente para utilizar esta área. Siguiendo las leyes de tráfico todos podemos mantener a nuestros estudiantes seguros al llegar/salir de Gallatin.
Save the Date...
February Events
2/20- Lincoln's Birthday- No School
2/22 Fire Drill @ 2:10 pm
2/25- TLC 5K
March Events
3/1 Spring Picture- Must purchase package to take a picture
3/4 Saturday Opportunity School
3/6-3/10 Read Across America Week
3/10 PTA Books and Bingo Night 5:30-7:00 pm
3/12 Daylight Savings
3/14- PTA Meeting @ 7pm
3/17 No School
3/25 Carnival of Champions at Warren
April Events
4/3-4/6 Character Counts week
4/5 Open House 5:45-6:45 pm
4/5 Fun Run (Jog-a-Thon)
4/7-4/14 Spring Break- No School
4/18 PTA Meeting @ 7pm
4/29 Robolympics at Warren
May Events
5/2- Teacher Appreciation Day
5/5- Nurse and Cafeteria Appreciation Day
5/19- Carnival 4-6pm
5/29- Memorial Day- No School
June Events
6/2- Spring Fling 9am
6/5- 5th grade party
6/7- 5th grade Bell Ringing
6/7- Last day of school
6/13- PTA Meeting @ 7pm
Gallatin Elementary School
Our Vision...
All Gallatin Students acquire 21st century skills to ensure that they are college and career ready, globally competitive, and citizens of strong character. Students achieve their maximum potential in an engaging, inspiring, challenging and innovative environment that fosters a love for learning.
Location: 9513 Brookshire Avenue, Downey, CA, USA
Phone: (562)904-3583
Twitter: @gallatinelem