Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School September 24th, 2020
COVID-19 Information
Student Screening -- With the increase of COVID cases in the community, please know that when you call your child in absent we will be doing a student screening questionnaire. This is new and will begin immediately. Thank you for your understanding.
Appointments -- Please remember that if your child has an appointment during the day, once they leave school, they can not return for the day. If the appointment is in the morning, they can come afterwards. We can not have students leaving and coming back because of appointments. Try to schedule them accordingly.
What's the difference? Sheet -- Please see the attachment below that Ascension has put out on different symptoms and understanding the difference between allergies, colds, etc.
Reconciliation Meeting
There will be a Reconciliation meeting for Parents Only on Wednesday, September 30th at 6:15 P.M. in the Gym.
If your child is receiving their First Reconciliation this year, please attend this meeting.
Below is the link to register to walk or donate
Pet Blessing
This will take place on October 2nd and October 3rd.
Friday, October 2nd at 2:45 P.M. after school at Holy Trinity
Saturday, October 3rd at 9 A.M. at St. Michael
Father Strand or Deacon Ralph will be there to give the blessings!
The pet blessing on October 2nd will be on the outdoor basketball court/playground at Holy Trinity off of Prospect St. All pets should be on a leash or crated and owners are responsible for their pet's clean up.
Standards-Based Grading
Traditional grading scales, which are based on points and percentages, only serve to rank and order students. This system of grading emphasizes the outcome rather than the learning experience. A standards-based grading system does not rank students, but rather focuses on growth. Students are assessed on clearly defined learning goals that are aligned with state standards. They are offered multiple opportunities and various ways to demonstrate proficiency and track their progress towards learning goals.
Watch for more information coming soon about Standards-Based Grading!
Attention 3K/4K/5K Parents
Calendar of Cash Winners
September 14 - Debbie Adelmann
September 15 - James and Paulette Wilmot
September 16 - Lisa Neuman Murre
September 17 - Louie Timmers
September 18 - Jaxson Weninger
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Website: www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603