Walker Bulldog Bulletin
Beginning of the Year News
From the Desk of Ms. Venegonia
August 19, 2020
Dear Walker Families,
I hope that you and your family are well. The start of our school year is quickly approaching. While remote learning will continue until further notice, we would like to inform you of how we will begin the year. We will begin distributing student supplies and computers prior to the first day of school, which is August 31st. Please review the information below for our beginning of year supplies pick-up procedure.
School Supply Pick-up
Walker parents will be able to pick-up their child’s supplies on their assigned day and time listed below.
- Cars are to proceed to the Park District parking lot to turn around and pull up in front of Walker School.
- If you are walking, form a line outside along the sidewalk where marked, 6 feet apart, from each other.
- Please write your child’s full name and grade on a paper and place on the passenger side of your vehicle.
- The student supplies, device, and first month’s learning kit will be brought out to you.
- Open your trunk and we will place the items in your trunk to avoid any contact.
Grade Level Pick-up Times
Wednesday 8/26
Kindergarten: 8:00-12:00 by appointment only
Thursday 8/27
First Grade: 8:00-9:00
Second Grade: 9:00-10:00
Third Grade: 10:00-11:00
Fourth Grade: 11:00-12:00
Thank you again for your patience and understanding and flexibility. Should any alternations need to be made the schedule, we will communicate those with you. We hope you and your family remain safe, and we encourage you to reach out for additional support.
Amanda Venegonia, School Principal
Sara Leone, Assistant Principal
Kindergarten, First and Second Virtual Open House
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 09:00 AM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Third and Fourth Virtual Open House
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 10:00 AM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.