SEPTEMBER 23, 2022
In observance of Rosh Hashanah.
Shanah tovah to those celebrating!
- Monday, 9/26: NO SCHOOL
- Thursday, 9/29: Back to School Night at 7pm
- Thursday, 10/6: PTO Meeting at 7:30pm
Thank you to all of those who came out to the CAS Ice Cream Social!
A HUGE SHOUT OUT to the 4th grade fundraising committee for putting this all together!
You Screamed, I screamed and in the end, we all got Ice Cream!
It was a wonderful event full of laughs and smiles all around.
Check out the photos below!
Do the students have what it takes to be an Archeologist?
The New Dino Dig is open and ready for ACTION!
Students can have fun with their friends at recess searching for ancient artifacts.
TODAY - Welcome Coffee!
Parents and Caregivers new to CAS are invited to mingle with each other and get to know the CAS Welcome Committee and PTO! Come on over right after drop off.
*Look for us directly across from CAS - near the baseball concession stand on the Central Avenue side of Dodge Field!
Friday, Sep 23, 2022, 08:30 AM
Dodge Field - right across from CAS
Please don’t forget to pick up your Mums at CAS on September 28 & 29 by the flagpole. Thanks for everyone’s support. This fundraiser will go directly to cover the cost of materials for the new beds in the learning garden.
Registration closes TODAY, Friday, September 23.
Register NOW at https://www.caspto.com/fall-enrichment-1
Classes will begin Week of October 3rd and held at CAS, Tuesday through Thursday from 3:15-4:20 pm, unless otherwise noted.
Help Support Our Schools Thru MEF!
The MEF is getting ready to fund the Fall grant cycle, and we have a few easy ways in which you can help us support our schools.
- Visit the MEF booth at Bottle Hill Day on Saturday, October 1st.
- Enter our 50/50 and see some of our grants in action.
- Keep fueling up at pump 6 - aka - the giving pump at the Madison Shell Station. And check your snail mail for a letter from us coming this week! Thank you for your continued support!
volunteer opportunities
We are so excited to have parent volunteers back in the building this Fall! Lunch duty is BACK! Be on the lookout for more details after school starts. There are all sorts of ways you can volunteer to help, here are our immediate needs:
May Day Prep Chair
- Like to get your hands dirty and shovel mulch? Then this is the job for you! Our May Day Prep Chair coordinates and communicates with volunteers and Town representatives for May Day at CAS! If you are interested, please email CASPTO@gmail.com to let us know!
Calling all volunteers: VIP Training on Thursday, October 6
- If you are interested in volunteering at CAS this year, you must attend the VIP training at 7pm on October 6. It will be held immediately before the PTO meeting.
Thank you all for paying PTO dues which support activities including monthly assemblies, enrichment programs, and teacher appreciation and supplies to name a few. There is still time to pay the suggested amount of $40.00.
To pay dues click here
Did you know that CAS has a courtyard? Unfortunately, during the COVID shutdown, our beautiful courtyard reading garden fell into disrepair. This year, the PTO will be working with the building to revitalize and rebuild this outdoor learning space for our children to enjoy. Be on the lookout for more information regarding paver sales and big fundraising efforts to make this happen!
Perspectives from the Guidance Office: What is SEL?
By now you have probably heard the term “SEL,” or Social Emotional Learning. But many ask: “what is that?”
Simply put, social emotional learning (SEL) involves learning social emotional skills, which are just as important as learning reading and math. Through SEL, kids learn how to manage their own emotions and behaviors, have empathy for others, and maintain healthy relationships. SEL is most effective when it is started early, and continues through high school. At CAS, SEL elements are included in all lessons and classroom procedures. Most elementary schools in the US have been teaching social emotional content as a matter of course for many years. Research indicates that SEL makes a real difference. Not only do students do better academically when SEL is utilized consistently, but their attitudes and behaviors improve, disruptive behaviors and conflicts decline, and children feel more connected to their school, peers, and teachers.
How can you reinforce SEL at home? You can start by ‘going back to basics:’
Consistently use (and teach) ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ at home.
Encourage your child to talk openly about their thoughts and feelings.
If your child is worrying, validate the worry, and brainstorm solutions.
Focus on interpersonal skills like eye contact, listening, and not interrupting.
More on SEL at home next week!
See links below to download flyers for the following:
- International Parents at CAS
- Sign-up for Chess
- Join Girl Scouts
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