Bright Beginnings
Early Childhood Center
AM Session: 8:00am - 11:10am
PM Session: 12:05pm - 3:15pm
Full Day: 8:00am - 3:15pm
Sunnyside Full Day: 7:50am - 3:05pm
Day Care: 7:00am - 5:00pm
October 13- Touch a Truck
October 18 - Policy Council
October 21- No School/Teacher Work Day
October 26 - Fall Pictures Retake
October 29 - Fall Literacy Event and Parent Meeting
Letter from the Principal
Dear Parents:
In a few weeks we will complete the first quarter of the school year! It is hard to believe how fast it is going by. This month, we have a number of activities going on. On October 13th we will celebrate Touch-a-Truck in our parking lot. Our local emergency services generously come to our Campus to show off and talk about Emergency vehicles. On October 26th, we have Picture Retakes.
Teachers and staff are working hard to help students develop the social and emotional skills for the classroom. Much of what we do in the first quarter of school is designed to help all students understand how to share and interact with their teachers and classmates in a positive manner. They have already shown great growth.
Please consider attending our Parent Event on October 29th at the Pumpkin Festival.
We are recruiting paraprofessional applicants at Bright Beginnings. If you are someone you know is interesting in working as a paraprofessional, please contact Val in the Office for more information about open positions.
Thank you for allowing us to serve your children!
Arthur Barker
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center/Sunnyside Pre-K
Saturday, Oct 29, 2022, 09:00 AM
Victory Electric Cooperative Association, Inc., North 14th Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
Policy Council
Our first Policy Council Meeting took place on September 20th, 2022. We discussed the by-laws and the following:
- Election of Officers
- Allocation Method
- Non-Federal Share Rates
- Audit Correction Letter
- Information Memoranda from Head Start
The next meeting will be October 18th, 2022 at 11:30 am. If you are interested in participating in Policy Council, contact your classroom teacher, family advocate, or Bianca Alvarez for more information. Please click here to read more about Policy Council.
A Note From Mrs. Walker (Miss Melyssa)
We are so excited to have you a part of Bright Beginnings School Family! You may see me most greeting and sending you off with Well Wishes in the Middle Hallway at arrival and dismissal. A quick high five, fist bump, smile. or hello/goodbye build connections to school and I look forward to them as does our Bright Beginnings School Family.
I also visit your child's Classrooms to support their social emotional learning with Conscious Discipline. They know me as their Friends Teacher. We will begin learning our Feelings using the Feeling Buddies with myself and your teachers. Help work on this at home by describing what your child facial expressions and body is doing during any feeling. Your teacher/para team and I will be working together to practice these to help them learn to calm.
Please reach out and let me know if I can assist with your school family as your child adjusts to school. Creating similar routine every night before bed and every morning as they come to school will help your transitions from parent to school and school to family.
I will be sharing videos straight from Conscious Discipline Facebook Page weekly. Check out these great tools to share with your child. Also feel free to follow the Conscious Discipline Page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ConsciousDiscipline
Parent Connection Groups will be held this Fall and registration is coming soon! These groups with other parents, child groups and activities offer a variety of social emotional learning using Conscious Discipline. Click on this quick link to share your interest and best times and dates.
Feel free to visit Miss Melyssa's Social Emotional Google Site for music, stories, and more for you and your child.
See you soon and I look forward to greeting you and your preschooler!
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you wish to visit about to best support your child.
Sending you Well Wishes~ Miss Melyssa Walker
Community Screening
Your Child's Development
Bright Beginnings Child Care
Working on shapes and colors is important in Child Care. You can see he is having a great time learning and showing others what he can do by the smile on his face.
Early Head Start Home Visitation and Parents As Teachers
Our October Socialization will be on October 11th. We will be doing "PUMPKIN PAINTING" at our Infant Toddler Services Building at 1900 First Avenue! The times will be 10:00 am and 3:30 pm. Ask your Home Visitor for more information.
We are also taking applications for our Home Visitation Program. Families love the one on one support from their Home Visitor and the children learn so much from the weekly activities. Call Janeth and schedule an appointment.
If your phone number is correct in the school database, you should have already received messages from Bright Beginnings. If you would like to add someone to your child's account to receive messages or make sure your number is updated in our system, please check with the office staff.
Click here for more information.