The Mustang Messenger
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
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The Official Simpson Stampede Back to School Guide - Edition #2
Good morning, Simpson Mustang Families!
It was absolutely awesome welcoming you to Simpson yesterday at our Open House experience...and such an honor to connect with so many Mustangs and all of you as their supportive families! We at Simpson have been looking forward to seeing students in our hallways again as it brings vibrance and authenticity to the experience for which we all entered the profession of education, namely the opportunity to ignite passion for learning and enjoying the journey all along.
This is our second formal edition of our Official Simpson Mustang Stampede Back to School Guide...and we will present more highlights of information as we proceed through our first few days together with our Mustang student return.
Throughout the course of their first two days at Simpson, our Mustangs will have the opportunity to initiate positive communication and relationships with their teachers during advisory and all of their classes by engaging in connection activities, learning about routines, protocols, and procedures, and ensuring that they have all of the support they need to have a smooth transition to their daily experience.
Here are the topics for our first day back to school (A-Day) in each class block alongside connection activities as well as academic content related to student courses of study:
Thursday, August 24, 2023 - A Day
Advisory: AM Announcements / Chromebook Check / Passwords / Bell Schedule / Student Schedule
Block A1/2: Cellphones, Backpacks, and Hallways
Block A3/4: Lunch Procedures
Block A5/6: StudentVue/School E-mail Access and Use
Block A7/8: Dismissal from School: Safety and Support for the Return Home
Here are the topics for our second day back to school (B-Day):
Friday, August 25, 2023 - B Day - WHITE OUT DAY! - All staff and students are encouraged to wear as much white colored-clothing as possible in support of Loudoun County HS' first home football game at 7 PM!
Advisory: AM Announcements / Honorable / Engaged / Respectful / Determined: Being a Member of the Simpson HERD
Block B1/2: E-Hall Pass: Our Hallway Pass Management/Student Support System
Block B3/4: Helpful Hints and Who's Who at Simpson!
Block B5/6: Late Arrivals, Early Dismissal, Clinic Procedures, Bus Passes
Block B7/8: Emergency Procedures
As with any start to a fresh school year, we promise to be extremely supportive, patient, and understanding with our 6th grade Mustangs tackling a new school structure approach as middle schoolers and as our 7th and 8th graders take on a new grade level at Simpson. We request the same of you as our family community so that we can do our best work together, wrapping supports around each and every Mustang for their ultimate success and terrific experience with us.
Finally, please know that we at Simpson will be helping our Mustangs daily so that they can be fully comfortable accessing their lockers, organizing their materials, and safely making their way to their classrooms without any worry. Students are expected to walk safely down our hallways to arrive at their locations to enjoy their classes, lunch time experience, and engaging with their peers as part of the school day fun. :)
I do not think I can put into words how greatly excited we are to welcome you all officially (back) to the school house tomorrow for the first day of 2023-2024, Mustangs...so we shall see you again very soon!
Frank G. "Tripp" Di Nicola, III, Ed.D.
J.L. Simpson Middle School
Stampede Into 2023-2024!: More Introductory Information for the New School Year!
What is the A-B Day Schedule for 2023-2024?
JLS Regular Bell Schedule
When do doors open for students each morning?
Each day students will report to welcoming areas supported by Simpson staff members and are required to remain in that location until release to advisory and the beginning of our school day.
8th Grade - Auditorium
7th Grade - Main Gym
6th Grade - Auxiliary Gym
On the first days of school, our advisory teachers will be present in each welcoming area to greet their students and accompany them to their classrooms to begin the day. Advisory class lists will be posted in the welcome areas by last name alphabetically, but students can also see their advisory teacher name by locating the course labeled as HOMEROOM on their schedules. Students always begin their day in their HOMEROOM for their advisory class experience.
At 8:25 AM:
ALL Grades: Advisory teachers meet classes in the welcome areas and walk them to their classrooms.
If your Mustang arrives after 8:25 AM, please drop them off in the small loop indicated by the A-Frame sign displaying the message DROP OFF AFTER 8:25 AM ---> .
At what time do classes begin?
We will have many staff members around to support our students in arriving at their locations each and every day, so please encourage your Simpson Mustangs to find any one of us to help whenever needed!
When does the school day end? How does my Mustang know which bus to ride home?
Students can locate their bus numbers on their schedules as well as work with our staff outside to support their finding their buses.
There is a Bus Dismissal Icon on LCPS GO where students can see the location of their bus. Block 7/8 teachers will also show this each day. If a Mustang's bus has not arrived, please go to the auditorium to wait for its arrival.
Although they have practiced for the past few weeks, please remember that this is the first day of school for our bus drivers with their routes as well, so your support and patience are greatly appreciated!
What School Supplies Do Students at Simpson Need?
For the time being, check out the graphic above for every day essentials that can make the Simpson experience the best!
Breakfast and Lunches at Simpson
School breakfast is $2.10 and school lunch is $3.15.
Please visit the LCPS School Nutrition page by clicking HERE for more information as well as Free/Reduced Lunch Applications. Student lunches are scheduled by grade level (with some exceptions for mixed-grade courses) and lunch is device free.
We will review lunch time procedures with our students in our opening days together to ensure that they all have comfortable access to food lines, opportunities to access the library/media center, as well as learning about our recess time outside.
Transportation / Walking To School Reminders for SY 2023-2024
Transportation Reminders/FAQ:
Please check out the useful document attached below this section for some Frequently Asked Questions and information about LCPS transportation.
Simpson has several neighborhood areas in the walk zone. Students that live in these locations may walk or bike to school. Students must follow these rules when walking/biking to school:
- Students walking or biking to school must always consider using the safest route. Parents are asked to review the safest route and proper procedures for crossing a street.
- Students should use cross walks throughout the community where available.
- Students must stay on a sidewalk while walking to school and must use crosswalks to safely come to school.
- Students that need to cross Evergreen Mill Road MUST do so at the crosswalk located at the intersection of Tolbert and Evergreen Mill.
- Students who live in the Simpson walk zone are permitted to ride their bike to school. Students should follow safety guidelines and must wear a helmet. All bikes are to be secured in the bike rack at the front entrance.
- Walkers must abide by all school rules while walking or biking to and from school. School rules apply until students safely enter their homes.
Need help with your Chromebooks? Our Digital Experience Specialists Can Assist!
All students should bring their Chromebook (fully charged) and charger to school each day.
The office is located down the main hallway (SIMPSON STREET) just past Room M3 on the right. If Mustangs need any help locating the site, any staff member can assist.
Where can I find LCPS level information on general information and expectations for students and their families?
As Simpson will be aligning completely with this useful guide, please take time to review it with your Simpson Mustang prior to the start of the new school year and save it for future reference.
Backpacks In Lockers Throughout the Day - Cinch Sacks Are OK! / Locker Expectations
Students are welcome to visit their lockers before school, between classes, and after school for necessary items, as well as any other occasion on which they receive permission from staff to do so.
Students may carry cinch sacks from class to class with items needed for courses.
Please do not worry! :)
Our staff will be flexible with students carrying backpacks to classes through Thursday, August 31 as they work collaboratively with their teachers to organize themselves for the items they need for each class session.
By early next week, Simpson will be providing cinch sacks with our school logo to each and every student via advisory block. Students may also have their own cinch sack if they would like something different from our Simpson version. Starting on Tuesday, September 5, only cinch sacks may be brought to classrooms to transport Chromebooks / school supplies.
Students are expected to place their names on their cinch sacks to identify them as their own property.
Gym and house area lockers are provided as a convenience to the student, but they remain the exclusive property of the school. They are provided for the express purpose of storing books, clothes, lunches, and other materials during the school day. Defacing the locker (inside or outside) by writing, scratching, or the pasting of stickers/pictures may result in a loss of locker privileges.
Lockers should be closed and secured at all times. The principal, or a designee, may enter any student locker when reasonable suspicion exists that illegal contraband is hidden inside. Locker problems should be reported to the dean or physical education teacher. Locker combinations are not to be shared with friends.
Cell Phones / Earbuds / Personal Digital/Mobile Devices
While cell phones/personal digital mobile devices are allowed at school, students will not be allowed to use these items in classrooms, hallways, cafeteria, recess, bathroom/locker rooms, or other areas of the building during school hours (8:10 a.m. – 3:18 p.m.)
Maintaining the integrity of the learning environment is the top priority, so students must:
- Have their cell phones turned off during the school day; Cell phone use shall cause no distraction or disruption.
- Keep their cell phones out of sight during instructional time (inside and outside of classrooms).
- Certain infractions will result in students immediately losing the privilege to carry a cell phone on campus. This response will be decided by school administrators. Infractions include, but are not limited to:
(b) Refusing to give the device to a school official who requests it
(c) Making threats against the school community
In-Class Interventions/School Leadership Responses:
1st Offense: Teacher to Student Warning
2nd Offense: Teacher to Student Warning - Teacher contacts parent/guardian.
3rd Offense: Student takes phone to dean for storage in envelope - Student must pick up at end of the day - Dean contacts parent/guardian.
4th Offense: Student takes phone to dean for storage in envelope - Parent/guardian must pick up. - Dean contacts parent/guardian.
5th Offense+: Student-Parent/Guardian-Counselor-Dean/AP Meeting / Additional Interventions/Disposition(s) to Support Positive Improvement of Student Behavior
Health and Physical Education Class Expectations
What is a Family Liaison?
A Family Liaison is a LCPS staff member (not a volunteer) who works to bridge the gap between home and school by helping parents get the information and support they need to ensure their child’s academic and social success. As a parent, you have a private link, connection, and bridge to your child’s school. We are fortunate to have an outstanding Family Liaison at Simpson Middle School, Ms. Leslie Chisholm. She can be reached at leslie.chisholm@lcps.org.
Your Family Liaison can connect you to important information
· Contacting Teachers and Counselors
· School Expectations
· Directing families to the appropriate staff member when questions arise
Your Family Liaison can connect you to available resources/help
Financial assistance for school fees (based on need)
· School Supplies or fees
· Medical Assistance/Glasses
· After School Programs
. Resources in the community
Your Family Liaison can help you make a comfortable connection with the school
· Get Help from Interpreters
· Volunteering
Your Family Liaison works with our Simpson MS United Mental Health Team to connect you with support in crisis situations (emotional, physical, and academic)
· Housing
· Accidents
· Illness
· Bullying
· Substance and Physical Abuse
· Food stability
If you would like assistance from Ms. Chisholm at any time, feel free to connect via e-mail or see your counselor/dean and we can support your meeting with her.
How do I join the Simpson Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)?
Are you trying to figure out how to stay involved during those middle school years?
There are small and big ways that really make an impact on our AMAZING school!
The PTO has many things planned for our staff and students! Check out our Volunteer Signup! A board member will reach out with more details!
- FREE Grade Level Events for each grade
- Monty's Cafe (Coming back for a 3rd year)
- Family Bingo Night w/ Silent Auction and Concessions
- Enhance our social media platforms
- Lots of Appreciation Days / Weeks for Staff
- Joint 5K with other middle schools
Click here for the Official J.L. Simpson MS PTO Webpage.
We look forward to engaging all of our Mustang families in PTO in service and support of all of our children!
Little Caesar's Fundraiser - Sponsored by our JLS PTO!
Anyone else super busy with getting everything ready for back to school and fall sports gearing up?
Let the Simpson PTO help with getting dinner on the table a little easier.
Click here for the official link with more info.
For the next month you can order from Little Caesars. Orders are for either:
A hot meal deal that you can pick up right from our local Little Caesars.
Pizza, breadstick or cookie kits that are delivered right to your door!
This fundraiser is national, so please share the link above with friends and family. You can also place as many orders during the month that you want.
Thank you for supporting our PTO and JLS Mustang Family!
A Request from Our JLS PTO and English Teachers: Come Help In Our English Department Bookroom!
The English Department is in desperate need of help in organizing their bookroom so that it is usable by September. Let's see if we can help them knock this out!
Volunteers will:
- Sort grade level books onto carts and take them to the teachers;
- Alphabetize all book sets by author and put them into cabinets or bookshelves;
- Box up all miscellaneous books and move them to be stored for the Used Book Sale in Spring 2024.
- Please sign up here to help out!
Follow Us On Social Media!
Email: Tripp.DiNicola@lcps.org
Website: https://www.lcps.org/jlsms
Location: J. Lupton Simpson Middle School, Evergreen Mills Rd, Leesburg, VA, USA
Phone: 5712522840
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JLSimpsonMS2020/
Twitter: @JLSMS_Official