Maggie B. Selman Elementary
Newsletter - September 24th
MBS Parent Reminders:
Thank you to the PTA for the leaves that made it into our school to help celebrate the first day of Fall. Coupled with the cooler air and temperatures it was a great way to usher in the new season. Thank you Selman PTA and to join, email vamartinez@sealyisd.com
Safety Drills. Many times on our campus we will conduct safety drills to provide training for our staff and students of how to respond during an actual emergency. The goal is to have the proper actions become an automatic response whenever an emergency situation arises. We will be conducting a drill in the coming week.
Remote Learning is now up and running for our elementary students that are out due to Covid or quarantine. This is different from the online learning offered last year, remote conferencing is only for students who are in quarantine. This will assist in ensuring your child does not fall behind on instruction while at home and reduce the amount of makeup work when he/she returns. Specific information will be sent home with your child if he/she is quarantined.
Student and staff health and safety continue to be our top priority. Sealy ISD now offers rapid Covid testing. More information on the testing program to be released soon. Please continue to communicate Covid questions or concerns to the Selman Elementary administration and the school nurse or Mary Gajewski at mgajewski@sealyisd.com
Important Upcoming Dates
9/28 - Read, Deed, Run (after school)
10/5 - Maggie B. Selman PTA meeting