3rd Grade Knowles/3er Grado Knowles
December/Diciembre 2021
Upcoming Events
Early Release December 1 and 8
Nutcracker Performance 3rd grade only Dec. 10 @9:30
Half Day and Class Parties December 17
Christmas Break December 20-January 3
Students will be able to describe how they can keep people and communities safe from rapid changes that occur to the surface of the Earth by using what they have learned from past events. Students will participate in activities that create communities with two or more landforms and protect the community from one type of rapid change.
Unit 4 begins with measurement concepts and skills. Students tell time to the minute and solve elapsed time problems. Then the class discusses the need for measuring by reading a book about the biggest, tallest, and fastest animals in the world. At the end of the first module, students estimate, measure, and compare the masses of different objects. In the second module, students work with volume and solve measurement-related story problems. The third module introduces them to fractions, using several different models to build, compare, and investigate the relationships among unit and common fractions. A short project at the end of the unit brings it all together, as students measure lengths to fractions of an inch and display measurement data on line plots.
Reading and Writing
Challenge Day-Balloons over Broadway
Students from Mrs. Urch's class
Students from Ms. Gomez's class
Students from Ms. Pedersen's class
Los estudiantes podrán describir cómo pueden mantener a las personas y comunidades a salvo de los cambios rápidos que ocurren en la superficie de la tierra utilizando lo que han aprendido de eventos pasados. Los estudiantes participarán en actividades que crean comunidades con dos o más accidentes geográficos y protegen a la comunidad de un tipo de cambio rápido.
Lectura y Escritura
Próximos Eventos
Salida Temprana: 1 y 8 de diciembre
Obra de teatro el cascanueces solo 3er grado: 10 de diciembre a las 9:30
Medio día y fiestas: 17 de diciembre
Vacaciones de Navidad: 20 de diciembre-3 de enero