Sundevil Way to Career Education
Career Exploration and You!
Whether you begin your career exploration with formal assessments, or a dive into discovering your personality type, these activities should lend themselves to a meaningful outcome.
Have Fun!
This is Real Life - Get Plugged In!
Apprenticeship.gov is the one-stop source to connect career seekers, employers, and education partners with apprenticeship resources. Discover apprenticeships across industries, how programs are started by employers, and how to become an apprentice.
Drilling Down: Exploring Career Clusters
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Arts, Media, and Entertainment
Building & Construction Trades
Business & Finance
Education, Child Development, and Family Services
Energy, Environment, and Utilities
Engineering and Architecture
Fashion and Interior Design
Health Science and Medical Technology
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation
Information Technology
Manufacturing & Product Development
Marketing Sales and Services
Public Service
MC Activities for My Grade Level; begin TODAY!
New, Online, and At Your Fingertips.
Use Xello to access the full suite of career, college and personality inventories.
You Do You!! - Let Your Personality Guide You
Introvert or Extrovert? Thinker or Feeler?
Aligned with the Meyers-Briggs Personality Assessment, is the belief that people naturally gravitate toward their strengths...
4 Big Questions to Guide Your Discovery (graphic)
Are you outwardly or inwardly focused?
How do you prefer to take in information?
How do you prefer to make decisions?
How do you prefer to navigate your life?
Next Step: Best Jobs for Your Personality
Other Career Research Tools to help you discover YOU!
16 Personalities
California Career Zone
Mt. Carmel High School
Location: 9550 Carmel Mountain Road, San Diego, CA, United States
Phone: 858-484-1180