MMH Adaptations
Michigan School Health Coordinators' Association
Healthy Students are Better Learners
Knowing this year may have districts offering at a distance learning at various points throughout the school year, the Michigan School Health Coordinators' Association (MiSHCA) wanted to help local MMH trained teachers get a jump start on planning content that will support the well-being of our youth.
MiSHCA, along with local health teachers, reviewed the content provided in the Michigan Model for Health Curriculum and looked for lessons that lended themselves to being taught in an at a distance format.
Particular emphasis was placed on units or strands of Health Education that are of particular importance in supporting student well-being in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This included: Social and Emotional Health, Safety, Personal Health and Wellness (emphasis on infectious disease prevention), Nutrition and Physical Activity, and Substance Misuse Prevention.
For more details on prioritized content, available materials, and tips to increase engagement, see the appropriate Grade Level Guidance Document:
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Michigan School Health Coordinators' Association
MiSHCA promotes the health and safety of students, families, and school staff using research-based approaches that improve students’ academic and health outcomes.
Healthy Students are Better Learners
Email: Michiganshca@gmail.com
Website: https://mishca.org/
Twitter: @Michiganshca
Free or low-cost health coverage for children under the age of 19, or pregnant women of any age. Call the MI Child and Healthy Kids hotline at 1.888.988.6300 or michigan.gov/mibridges