Schmucker PTO Newsletter
August 2018
From the President
After a summer that passed all too quickly, the PTO is excited to be planning and organizing for a fun, productive year at SMS. We appreciate all the continued support from our administration, Mrs. Dean-Null and Mr. Fry, and offer a special welcome to new Assistant Principal Krystin Martin.
With your assistance, last year the SMS PTO was able to offer several experiences that would not have been possible through the regular school budget including field trips, the 5 Star program and classroom and student activity support. We aim to do the same and even more this year. Look for us at Schedule Pick Up days and Meet and Greets, keep reading our newsletter, and follow us on Facebook. Our first meeting is Thursday, September 6 at 1:00 pm at SMS. Share your talents and enthusiasm and enrich your child's middle school years at Schmucker!
Be sure to join the online SMS student directory at Myschoolanywhere.com. Already joined? Be sure to update your entry and volunteer sign ups. If joining for the first time, sign up at the link below:
Feel free to contact me anytime: schmuckerpto@phm.k12.in.us
Go Spartans!
Linnea Lannon
PE Clothes/Spirit Wear
PE clothes will be available in limited quantity at schedule pick ups. Order forms for PE clothes will be in the back to school packets. Orders placed in May will be available for pick up on August 15. The main office will keep some PE clothes for sale throughout the school year.
SMS spirit wear order forms will be in the back to school packets also. The deadline is Sept. 12 to turn in both PE and spirit wear orders.
Company Rebates
Earn cash and supplies for Schmucker Middle School.
No need to spend extra money. Make your existing purchases count towards cash and points for our school!
1. Labels and Coupons:
Look for these labels and coupons on products you buy. Cut and send them in to school with your student. These can be turned into any teacher or the front office. These can actually help Schmucker PTO raise hundreds of dollars!!
- Box Tops For Education coupons are easy to clip and are worth $0.10 each. That may not seem like much, but they sure add up! Be sure to check expiration dates!
-Martin's Super Markets - Direct Your Labels
By buying Our Family and Spartan brand products at Martin's--and saving the UPC barcodes from those cans, boxes, and bottles--store guests can help our PTO earn money for all the great things they do to help the students at Schmucker! Your UPC codes can be sent to school the same way you send in Box Tops. Please start collecting Our Family and Spartan brand UPC codes right away!
2. AmazonSmile:
Do all of your regular Amazon shopping, but use the AmazonSmile website. AmazonSmile has everything Amazon has to offer. Before shopping start from the link below. Schmucker PTO will earn 0.5% of your purchases.
Thank you for supporting P-H-M Non-Profit Organizations, Inc. Remember always start at smile.amazon.com and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases.
The account will be named P-H-M Non-Profit Organizations, Inc.