Shelbyville ISD Gifted and Talented
Referral and Assessment Information
- Characteristics of GT Students
- Referral/Assessment Timeline
- Assessment Procedures
- Overview of Gifted Services
Characteristics of GT Students
Gifted and Talented is NOT....
A reward for kids that behave well in class and turn in perfect work
A test of what the kid knows, but an opportunity to explore what he is yet to know
Fun for fun's sake
A program of kids with exceptional grades
A self-esteem booster
A privilege
Extra work to fill extra time
A club to belong to
Only about academic needs but includes social and emotional needs
About preparing kids to save the world or find cures to disease
Timeline for Assessment for Gifted/Talented Students
Teachers/Parents Complete Referral Form
Parents/Teachers Complete Evaluation Forms
Gifted and Talented Assessment Data
Gifted and Talented Services
Parenting During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Curiosity, Creativity, and Concerns - Video
SENGinar: Parenting During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Curiosity, Creativity, and Concerns
Amber Swearengen, SISD Gifted and Talented Coordinator
Email: ambers@shelbyville.k12.tx.us
Website: www.shelbyville.k12.tx.us
Location: 5322 State Hwy 87 S, Shelbyville, TX, USA
Phone: 936.598.2641