LASD Board Highlights
August 21 Board Meeting
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Board Meeting Video
Superintendent's Back to School Update
Superintendent McGonagle gave the Board an update on the first days of school and her visits to each of our nine campuses.
In these early days of the school year, all school communities and teachers are focused on building community. Before the school year even began, events were held to welcome new students and families to our campuses including junior high school schedule days, back to school picnics, and lemonade or popcorn socials.
Teachers are building a classroom community by developing relationships with their students and fostering relationships between those students and their peers. To ensure supportive and safe environments in which to learn, norms and expectations in the classroom appropriate to each grade level are being discussed. By establishing a welcoming and nurturing classroom environment, teachers are able to hit the ground running with important academic material and dive into rich learning experiences.
We're excited to kick off the new school year with you! To learn more, check out item H.1. on our agenda online.
Teacher Professional Development Update
Over the summer and continuing into the school year, our teachers and educational staff engage in ongoing learning and professional development to hone their craft and help all students succeed.
One track of professional development this summer focused on the LASD Student Experience, an important model also known as the “Wheel” and shown in the image below. Using the science of how students learn, The Wheel provides a common purpose and language for our educational team to use collaboratively to achieve excellent student outcomes.
Also, LASD is implementing important new curriculum in junior high school science and elementary school reading this year. Teachers were able to practice their instructional strategies with this new curricula together in professional development sessions over the summer.
As the year continues, training and professional development will continue. Our teachers and educational staff are clearly modeling lifelong learning for their students by immersing themselves in this important and thoughtful work to help all children achieve.
For more information check out item H.2. on our agenda online.
Summer Programs Report
Laura Wiley, our LASD Summer School Principal, provided an overview of student learning in Summer School this year. Fifty-five of our Special Education students attended the Extended School Year program, where they continued to work toward their IEP goals, in addition to engaging in fun summer activities. Our Summer Intervention Program served students in Kindergarten through 5th grade who required extra support to achieve grade-level skills in math and reading. Transitional Kindergarten through 5th grade students who qualified for our Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) also had the opportunity to attend summer camp and enjoy fun summer camp activities.
Later this year, Ms. Wiley will provide a report of student academic data from the summer program. She will share this progress with the students' teachers to support their ongoing academic achievement.
For more information, check out item H.3. on our agenda online.
Next Meeting of the Board of Trustees
The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is on Tuesday, September 5 at 7:00pm. Los Altos School District Board of Trustees meetings are open to the public at 201 Covington Road, Los Altos in our Board Room. To attend meetings remotely, please visit our Board web page and use the provided zoom link. Please note: public comment can only be provided in person at the Board meeting or via email at trustees@lasdschoos.org, but cannot be made online.
If you would like to stay updated regarding upcoming Board meetings, please email mbirnie@lasdschools.org, providing your name, email address and a request to be added to the email list for Brown Act updates, including upcoming meetings and agendas.
Los Altos School District
Website: www.lasdschools.org
Location: 201 Covington Road
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LASDK8/