CVS Learn at Home
Daily Writing Prompts
Keep a journal and record your thoughts during these historic times.
Start with some of our prompts and questions or just write freely about anything that's on your mind.
We will post a new prompt each day of the normal school week.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Previous Prompts
- Now that we can't go to school, what do you miss most about being there?
- What place would you most like to visit? Why?
What would you do there? - My imagination is important to me because . . .
- How do you feel when there is no "correct" answer? How do you decide what to do?
- Where in nature do you see examples of symmetry?
Do you prefer images that are symmetrical or asymmetrical? Why? - Which is better: listening to an audiobook or reading a regular book?
Does the genre of the book make a difference as to whether it's better to read it or listen to it? - Describe something you can create that will bring joy to others right now.
- Write detailed instructions about how to do a specific activity.
- What is a problem you have had to solve? How did you solve it?
How can investigating phenomena help us learn?
What is something you might like to investigate next? - What is more fun: making a paper airplane or flying a paper airplane? Why?
Why do you think real airplanes have a variety of designs? - What is your favorite form of exercise? What do you enjoy about it?
- How do you feel when you have to think hard to figure something out?
- Describe reasons why you enjoy reading your favorite author's books.
How does this author inspire you? - Do you prefer traveling virtually or by visiting a destination in-person? Why?
- What is your favorite thing about spring? Has that felt different this year? How?
- If you could have a super power, what would it be? What would you do with it?
- Who provides advice you trust? Why do you trust this person?
- What do you enjoy about playing your favorite game?
- If people were to stop shaking hands, what gesture would you suggest as a replacement? Why?
- If you could interview one person from history, who would you choose?
What would you ask? - Describe a time you helped somebody. How did that make you feel? How will you be helpful today?
- What was the best thing that happened yesterday? What made it so good?
- What movie do you like enough to watch more than once? Why?
- What have you had more time to do over the past several weeks?
How might you continue doing these things once the "stay at home" order ends? - If your favorite character, from your favorite book came to dinner, what would be on the menu?
- Write about what you would create with a small box, three marbles, five bottle caps, eight popsicle stick, paper, tape, and a shoelace.
- Do you prefer blue ink or black link? Explain (in writing) why others should agree with you.
- Describe a favorite memory from the 2019-2020 school year (so far), using detail to describe it.
- Write a letter to a teacher.
- Create a list of things you like about remote learning.
- Which would you most like to explore: a jungle, a forest, an ocean, or a castle? Why?
- What rule changes would you make to a game or sport you enjoy?
How would that improve the game/sport? - If you could have a conversation with any animal, what animal would you choose?
What would you talk about? - If you could travel to a different time, when would it be? What would you want to do or see?
- Describe how what you wear impacts how you feel.
- What is your favorite season? Convince somebody, in writing, why they should agree with you.
- What area of your school would you like to remodel or what addition would you make to the building? Describe what you would do and how students would benefit.
- Write five questions for a topic about which you would like to learn.
- Write about three ways you think the world will be different on January 1, 2030 than it was on January 1, 2020.
- Write a letter to a friend to convince them to read a book you have recently enjoyed or a movie you have recently watched.
- What farm animal would you most like to have as a pet? Why? What would you name it?
- Describe your favorite room in detail. How might you make the room even better?
- Who do you enjoy spending time with? How does that person make you feel?
- If you could be anywhere, right now, where would it be? Why?
- Summarize what you know about a topic you have found interesting to learn about this school year.
- Create a list of five reasons you enjoy writing.
Challenge: convert your list into a poem. - Why is it important to listen to the feelings and concerns of others?
- Write about the best leader you know. What makes this person a good leader?
- Write about a wish (or three).
- Identify a problem you would like to have solved. Write about the steps you would take to develop a solution.
- Write about something you plan to do this weekend.
- What zoo animal would you most like to have as a pet? Why? What would you name it?
- Write an explanation about why you prefer your favorite type of music (or your favorite song).
- What do you do when you get stuck on a learning task? What other options might you have?
- Think about somebody you admire. Write about the traits you admire about that person.
- How are you feeling about the end of the 2019-2020 school year?
- Write about your favorite summertime activity.