Anderson Weekly News 9/8/23
You are part of our TEAM!
Dates to Remember (Click the baseball icon to the right for a digital calendar you can sink with your phone.
- Sat, Sept. 9th PTO Dine Out Fundraiser at Chipotle in S Elgin 4-8pm (see flyer below)
- Mon. Sept. 11th, Open House Night for 1st, 3rd, and 5th Grade 6:00-7:30 PM
- Tue. Sept. 12th, Open House Night for Kinder, 2nd, and 4th Grade 6:00-7:30 PM
- Tue. Sept. 12th, PTO Meeting following the Back to School event. 7:30 PM.
- Thu. Sept 14th CHICAGO BEARS event 2nd-5th grade. (See below)
- Fri Sept. 15th PTO Movie Night
- Wed. Sept 20th Tekakwitha Woods Walk during PE classes
- Wed, Sept. 27th - Early Release - Students are dismissed at 2:10 PM.
- Fri Sept 29th Kick-a-thon at St. Charles East High School 5 - 8:00 pm
- Wed Oct 4th Walk (and Roll) to School Day
- Thurs October 5th NO SCHOOL / Parent Teacher Conference 8:00 am -8:00 pm
- Fri Oct 6th NO SCHOOL/ Parent Teacher Conference 8:00 - 12:00 pm
- Mon Oct. 9th No School (Columbus Day)
- Wed 18th Tekakwitha Woods Walk During PE
- Fri October 20th School Improvement Day
- Sat Oct 21st PTO Trunk or Treat Event
- Wed Oct 25th Early Release - 2:10 Dismissal
- Tus. Oct. 31st. Halloween Classroom Parties 2:25-2:55 PM
Classroom and School Open House
During open house parents and their children are invited to come to the school to visit their classrooms, explore the building, meet teachers, and give the children a chance to show off all of the learning they have been engaged in.
When you arrive, every child will be given a Anderson School Map. Your child can lead you to all the locations around the school. Locations will include places like your child's classroom, the LRC (Library), Gym, Music, Art, Cafeteria... Notes the staggered start times based on your Last Name. This will help minimize major traffic jams in the parking lot and hallways.
Mon. Sept. 11th 1st , 3rd, 5th Grade
6:00-6:30 Last Names: A-G
6:30-7:00 Last Names: H-O
7:00-7:30 Last Names: P-Z
Tue. Sept. 12th, Kinder, 2nd, 4th Grade
6:00-6:30 Last Names: A-G
6:30-7:00 Last Names: H-O
7:00-7:30 Last Names: P-Z
Chicago Bears Mini monsters
The Chicago Bears are coming to Anderson! Our 2nd through 5th grade students will be participating in Mini-Monster training camp on September 14, 2023. Your child will be coming home with a permission slip so they can participate. Please fill this form out and have your child bring it back to their teacher. This is a wonderful program that promotes Teamwork, Fitness, and Perseverance. Bear Down!
If you are planning on volunteering you need to fill out a “volunteer waiver form” and have your driver's license scanned in our school office. In order to speed up the process, please stop by the Anderson main office prior to Thursday 09/14/2023 to get your drivers licence scanned.
2nd Grade
4th Grade
3rd Grade
5th Grade
Mini monster permission slips (electronic copy if you need an extra copy)
Mini monster permission slips spanish
5th Grade Families - 5th Grade Choir will be starting soon!
Dear Families of 5th Grade Students!
It’s time for 5th Grade Choir! This ensemble will run in a similar fashion as the
current Elementary Band and Orchestra programs with a weekly before school
rehearsal, but will NOT conflict with current band and orchestra rehearsals. The choir
program will run from late September through May, with our first rehearsal being
Tuesday, September 26th! Please register by September 15th!
DATE/TIME: Choir will meet on Tuesday mornings at Anderson Elementary School from
7:15-7:55 a.m. Parents/guardians are responsible for dropping their choir student(s)
off at Anderson no earlier than 7:10 a.m. Rehearsal location will be the MUSIC ROOM!
FEE: This year for the first time, all 5th Grade Ensembles are running on a tiered fee
system as follows:
Participation in...
1 ensemble=$50
2 ensembles=$75
- 3 ensembles=$100
PTO Friendly Reminder
Please consider donating to Movie Night!
The PTO could really use your help with making Movie Night a success. Please consider donating using the link below:
PTO Dine Outs
Anderson Families! We need more Lunchroom Supervisors!
We are in need of more help in our cafeteria each day. You get to help kids have a safe and organized lunch. You get to supervise recess! Contact Patrica Burton at 331-228-5242 or email her at patricia.burton@d303.org
Anderson Elementary School
Email: nathan.jarot@d303.org
Website: https://anderson.d303.org/
Location: 35W071 Villa Maria Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3300