Pierce Downer This Week
May 5, 2023
Pierce Downer Families,
The sun is out and summer is just around the corner but we still have SO much learning happening at Pierce Downer School. We will be starting our Spring Assessments in the upcoming weeks with both AIMSWeb testing and NWEA MAP testing. If you have any questions about any of the assessments, please reach out directly to the students classroom teacher or myself.
A message from our DG58 Instrumental Team
Attention 3rd and 4th Grade Families!
Over the past two weeks, 3rd and 4th grade students heard demonstrations of the instruments they may choose to begin learning next year in our District 58 Instrumental Music Program.
Current 3rd -rade students who would like to join ORCHESTRA: (Violin, Viola, Cello, String Bass)
Check out the video instrument demonstrations on our website: ORCHESTRA (3rd gr students)
Your next steps for joining the DG58 Orchestra:
Review the information from our parent meeting that you received this morning
Register for a time for your future musician to test-drive their two favorite instruments on
one of our fitting days using THIS LINK (tinyurl.com/2023BegOrchAppt).
Current 4th grade students who would like to join BAND: (Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Baritone, Tuba, Percussion)
Check out the video instrument demonstrations on our website: BAND (4th grade students)
Your next steps for joining the DG58 Band program:
Review the information from our parent meeting that you received this morning
Register for a time for your future musician to test-drive instruments on one of our fitting days using THIS LINK (tinyurl.com/begband23).
We are excited to share more about becoming a District 58 musician and sincerely looking forward to working with you and your student!
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to reach out 630-719-5860 or LWagner@DG58.org.
We are PD!
L. Wagner, Principal
Congratulations to Mrs. Lemm on being this week's PD Cup recipient. Mrs. Lemm is our newest instructional assistant but she has quickly become a part of the PD family. She is often seen helping support students in and out of the classroom with a contagious positive attitude.
Thank you Mrs. Lemm for all that you do!
Proud to be PD!
Kids Heart Challenge Update
We’ve extended our Kids Heart Challenge donation due date!!! We’d love for more students to
sign up for the free challenge. 30 students have signed up so far and our school has raised over
$2,654 for the AHA!!! Sign up TODAY to earn your BE THE TORCH wristband. Will you and your family choose to BE KIND or to MOVE MORE?
Sign up and see what you can earn as thank-you gifts for donating by clicking on our link:
It’s not too late to earn your own HEART HEROES and MYSTERY GIFTS when you
raise lifesaving donations! The grade with the most donations raised will get extra PE
time with Dr. Wagner AND an extra thank you gift heart plush. Right now, 5th grade is in
the lead!!
BONUS!! Every student who signs up for the free challenge will earn a Frankie Keychain
as a thank you from the American Heart Association for taking care of your heart!
Here are Pierce Downer's top fundraisers this week:
- Parker E
- Joscelyn C
- Annabelle & John H
Monday and Friday Spirit Days All Year Long!
Safe2Help Illinois
District 58 has partnered with Safe2Help to give students a safe and confidential way to report potential threats or crises. Safe2Help was launched by the State of Illinois in December 2020 and aims to help prevent suicide, bullying, school violence and other threats to school safety.
With Safe2Help, students can connect with a trained crisis professional during their own crisis, or to report a potential threat. Students can submit a Safe2Help alert via the following ways:
- Website: https://app.safe22helpil.com
- Text: SAFE2 (72332)
- Phone: 844-4-SAFEIL (844-472-3345)
- App: "Safe2Help Illinois" app available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store
- Email: HELP@Safe2HelpIL.com
All alerts are responded to by a trained Safe2Help crisis professional. Safe2Help is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
District 58 staff are not the initial responders to the alert and will receive each alert after the Safe2Help professional provides support. District 58 staff will review alerts sent by Safe2Help during regular school hours, unless the nature of the alert necessitates immediate school action.
Staff Appreciation Week
May 8-May 12
May 9
Incoming 7th grade parent night
May 10
2nd Grade Field Trip
May 11
PTA Kickball Event
DG Library Visit
May 12
Fun Lunch
Dr. Leland Wagner, Principal
Email: LWagner@dg58.org
Website: www.DG58.org
Location: 1436 Grant Street, Downers Grove, IL, USA
Phone: 630-719-5860
Twitter: @LWagnerDG58