Santa Anna ISD
July 27, 2020
Mid-Summer Edition
SAISD is excited to get the 2020-2021 school year underway. We have published our reopening plan on our school website and have several activities starting next week.
August 3rd: Athletics begins with two-a-days. 8-10 am and 11 am - 12 pm for football
August 4th: New Teacher Training Day
August 5th: First day back for Staff - Report to Campus or Department
August 6th: Staff PD at Campus or Department
August 7th: District Convocation
Ready for the 2020-21 School Year
Go Mountaineers!
Summer Workouts
SAISD Reopening Plan
Follow the link to get the latest information on SAISD's Reopening Plan. SAISD committee members developed the SAISD document to follow state guidelines for Texas schools. The plan was reviewed by SAISD School Board and shared with the public. The district held a public Zoom meeting to review the contents of the plan and answer questions. If you have any further questions, contact Todd White at 325-348-3136.
SAISD Information
Email: todd.white@santaannaisd.net
Website: https://www.santaannaisd.net/
Location: 701 Bowie Avenue, Santa Anna, TX, USA
Phone: (325) 348-3141
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/santaanna.isd/
Twitter: @EduLeader4kids