FSU and FAMU Clash at the Capital
FSU TOC Tournament
FSU and FAMU Clash at the Capital
Entry Fee will be $40 per team. We will be using the FSU main courts called Speicher Tennis Courts on Varsity Way and the FAMU courts on Wahnnish Way for overflow. Please check in at the corresponding courts to see where your teams will be playing. Check in times will be 30 mins before match is scheduled to start. If you have any questions please contact Samuel Heitman at sph14@my.fsu.edu or through cellphone at (941)-769-2720.
On Saturday, pool play
On Sunday, Bracket play based on Saturday's results
6 game sets with no advantage scoring. Tie breaker played at 5-5 (sudden death point at 4-4). Winner of each round will be the team that wins the most amount of games. Substitutions are allowed during the sets (max 2 sets per player). The winning team must win the Mixed Doubles, if not they must win a game before the trailing team ties the score. If so, a 13 point tiebreaker is played. A 5 minute warm-up will be given before each match.