Hamilton Elementary School
August-Principal Update- Family Newsletter
Principal's Message-
August 20, 2022
Dear Hamilton Families,
Summer is quickly coming to a close and the new school year is just around the corner. I hope you all have enjoyed your summer vacation and are ready to begin the new school year together. I am excited to embark on this new journey with all of you.
Go Huskies!
Linked in my newsletter, you will find several documents that reference important information in regards to the start of the new school year. Student Assignments will be released by email on Friday, August 26th by the end of the school day.
It has come to my attention by email requests and social media that some Hamilton families have discovered a teacher assignment attached to their child’s accounts. This discovery was due to our technology “rollover”. Please keep in mind that our class lists are not final and are subject to change until our release date of placements next Friday, August 26th. This release date is per district policy.
I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the student placement process at Hamilton Elementary School. Our philosophy is one that supports parents as the primary specialists in knowing their child, while the educators are experts in teaching and learning. As a public institution, we also believe that all educators can teach each and every child who comes to us. Our teachers understand that all children need a nurturing and supportive learning environment.
The process for assigning students to next year’s classes is an important and demanding one. The individual needs of each student are considered and weighed in light of the overall composition of the grouping. We operate in a team spirit here and the request for individual teachers by parents can undermine that process. In the final analysis, the school has the primary responsibility for developing well-balanced classes.
You can support your child best by trusting us and believing in your child’s capacity to adapt to new settings. We understand the often difficult job you face as parents as you turn your children over to our safe-keeping each day. We respect and value that trust. Thank you for your continued support.
Marcella Terranova Clark
Placement Change/Request Policy-
Dear HES Families,
Please click below for more information regarding this process. Emails and phone calls concerning student placement(s) will follow the policy and procedure timeline. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we approach the new school year together.
Mission Statement-
The Mission of Hamilton Elementary School is to provide a nurturing environment that fosters high expectations and a commitment to lifelong learning.
We believe all students can thrive when supported, nurtured, and engaged in rigorous and challenging academic experiences.
We believe all students can become active community members and leaders using the skills of cooperation, assertion, responsibility, empathy, and self-control.
Hamilton Elementary
Inspiring Students to Reach Individual Excellence!
New Staff To HES so far for the 2022-2023 School Year- Welcome!
Tracey Clarke-Math Interventionist
Celia Russo- Grade 1
Kaitlin Gibbins, Reading Specialist
Leah McGlynn- Grade 1
Kristen Beland- Grade 3
Important Dates/Events-
August 26th- Student Placements will be released to all HES Families!
Please check your email.
Please do not call the office.
August 30, 31- -PD- Staff Reports
Sept. 1-PD- Staff Reports
Sept. 5th- No School- Labor Day
Sept. 6th- First Day of School- Grades 1-5
K Orientation
Sept. 7th- First Day of Kindergarten
Sept. 7th- Hamilton Back To School Carnival- Time:5pm-7pm
Sept. 8th- Rain Date
Sept. 13th- No School- Primary Day
Sept. 15th- 8:30 am- PTO Meeting-Library
Sept. 21st- Open House 5-8pm- More Information to follow~
Open House (K-2) 5-6pm (3-5) 6:30-7:30pm
Sept. 22nd- HES Picture Day!
Picture retakes are on Oct. 19th.
Sept. 30th-Team Hamilton Spirit Day! Wear RED and/or your Huskie attire!
School Calendar-
NKSD School Committee Dates-
Aspen Instructions-School Information System
Tutorial on new Back to School Workflows in Aspen- Parents/Guardians will be granted access once "Workflows" are open. Date TBD.
Bus Routes-
Student Scheduled Dismissal Form 2022-2023
All Families: Please Complete!
Scheduled Student Dismissal Form
Lunch Information-
* Lunch Menu TBD
From The School Nurse-
* There will be peanut/nut free classrooms bases on student's needs and designated areas in the cafeteria as well.
*COVID Protocols and Procedures as well as Mitigation Strategies will be released by the District.
Please stay tuned.
Principal/Office Contact Information-
Find Us:
Hamilton Elementary
25 Salisbury Avenue
North Kingstown, RI 02852
Mrs. Beth Beach
(401) 268-6520
(401) 268-6530
Marcella Terranova Clark (401) 268-6521
Elizabeth Branchaud (401) 268-6523