February 2, 2024
Nederland Middle-Senior HS Community,
It is hard to believe that we have already passed the 100 day mark of the school year. At this point in the year, we are starting to finalize our Spring Semester plans which include things like parent teacher conferences, Ski-Day and graduation. With spring break just 8 weeks away, it will go quickly.
During the Covid years schools had Parent-Teacher conferences on-line. Having listened to many parents and teachers, the plan is to bring back in-person Parent-Teacher conferences. This spring we will have both, in-person conferences: Thursday, February 22 from 4:30-8:00 p.m. and on-line conferences: Thursday, February 28 from 4:30-8:00 p.m.. We will still use Help at Schools for scheduling your conference time, so look for that email soon. After the spring conferences we will survey parents about their preferences as we plan for next school year. As always, if parents want to have a conversation with a teacher, please reach out to them and set up a time to talk.
Enjoy the snowy weekend,
Upcoming Events
- February 6 - Library pop up at Lunch
- February 7 - PTA Meeting, 6pm
- February 8-10 - All State Choir
- February 15 - Vision and Hearing Follow up
- February 15 - SAC Meeting, 6pm
- February 16 - BVSD Dental Program
- February 16 - Middle School Dance 4:30-6:00pm
- February 19 - No School, Presidents Day
- February 20 - No School, Teacher Work Day
- February 21-23 - Middle School Volleyball Workshop, 4:00-5:30pm
- February 22 - Colorado Mountain College Admissions at HS Lunch
- February 22 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 4:30-8:00pm - In Person
- February 23 - HS Choirs to CU Jamaican Choir Festival
- February 28-March 1 - Elementary School Volleyball Workshop
- February 29 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 4:30-8:00pm - Online
Tonight, High School Varsity Boys’ Basketball plays at Gilpin starting at 6:00 pm. All proceeds from entry go to support the Shelby Allen Memorial Foundation, so come join us to support your Panthers and a good cause.
On Monday night, Middle School Girls’ Basketball plays against Summit here in our middle school gym. Good luck ladies with your last home game!
There will be a Middle School Volleyball Workshop on February 21-23 from 4:00 to 5:30 pm, hosted by the High School Volleyball Team. Contact Coach Nicole Zotti with any questions, and be sure to register at the NMSHS Spring Volleyball Workshop Registration Link.
Finally, CHSAA starts practice for High School Track & Field as well as High School Girls’ Soccer on Monday February 26. Register today and please remember to submit your payment through RevTrak. Contact Janet Turnburke with questions about registering, Gavin Coombs with track specific questions, and Alberto Gonzalez with soccer specific questions.
Have a great weekend,
Here’s what’s happening from Nederland MSHS School Counseling:
Call for Volunteers: Are you an academically minded parent interested in volunteering in supporting our students’ academic success? Reach out to Ms. Jill for more information about possible volunteer options. Jill.pries@bvsd.org
Boulder Tech: The application to attend Boulder Tec opened on January 24th. Students in current 10th and 11th grades can apply now to attend Boulder Tech in Fall 2024. BVSD’s career and technical education center, Boulder TEC, just added new programming: Culinary Arts, and Wilderness Studies. Students from BVSD high schools can attend our programs in their junior and senior years to be able to jump start their careers or college education! Programs include: Culinary Arts, Wilderness Studies, BioMedical Science, Emergency Medical Services, Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine, Auto Service, Auto Collision, Construction Trades, Welding, Cosmetology; Esthetics, Hairstyling, Nail technology, Criminal Justice & CSI Teacher Academy and Video Production.
For details, please check out Boulder Tech’s website here.
Colorado Mountain College admissions representative Amber Mekelberg will visit Ned MSHS on Thursday 2/22 from 11:45am to 12:30pm. Come learn about certificate and degree programs at one of Colorado’s most adventurous and affordable institutions.
BVSD online high school credit recovery: BVSD Online offers credit recovery courses to students looking to earn or recoup necessary graduation credits.
High School Credit Recovery is about 6 weeks. Sign up for credit recovery session 2, before the March 8th deadline: 3/08/2024. Credit recovery courses are $175. Students with waived fees pay $50. Students who received an F in a previously completed course are eligible for credit recovery.
CU Boulder’s Student Shadow Day: Happens February 05 at CU. Register by February 02. See the CU flyer for details on how to register.
Upcoming College Fairs:
NACAC Spring College Fair: Sunday, March 3, 2024 from 1:00p until 4:00p MST at Cherokee Trail High School (25901 E Arapahoe Rd, Aurora, CO 80016 https://www.rmacac.org/denver#:~:text=For%20Students%20and%20Families&text=The%20fair%20will%20take%20place,%2C%20Aurora%2C%20CO%2080016).
Mental Health Partners’ Nederland location offers family support and mental wellness services. Connect with MHP’s site: https://www.mhpcolorado.org/about/locations/nederland/
Struggling with substance use, numbing? Denver Health has created a youth support site with several resources including mental health apps, coping skills, artistic creativity, breathing, self-care, activities and group support. Check out their site here to connect with several resources focused on a variety of areas of wellness: https://strongerwithout.com/
Online support: Concerned for a teen who is experiencing substance misuse? An online support group for families of teens is starting soon. See registration details here: SUD NH.pdf
Medicine Horse: This local equestrian group hosts several programs offering equine therapy services to teens and adults. See their flyer for details on their offerings.
Thank you Ms. Pries!
Do you know what #schoolcounselors really do? Spoiler alert: It’s a lot. This week, we’re celebrating their dedication to all students. #NSCW24 #StandardsBased #StudentFocused
Parent Teacher Conferences
This semester we will have both in-person conferences: Thursday, February 22 from 4:30-8:00 p.m. and on-line conferences: Thursday, February 28 from 4:30-8:00 p.m.. We will still use Help at Schools for scheduling your conference time, so look for that email soon.
As always, if parents want to have a conversation with a teacher, please reach out to them and set up a time to talk.
Get tickets to see the Loquations sing at Carnegie Hall
If you will be in New York or know someone in NY who would like to see the Loquations perform at Carnegie Hall on March 25, see the ticket instructions below. (The Loquations and all the chaperones and kids going on trip already have tickets included.)
Student Perspective
High School Youth Speech Contest
Monday, March 11, 2024 4:30pm-6:30pm
2023-24 TOPIC
Do you have the courage to change the world through service, transforming community, and working together, and in what ways would/could you do this?”
Sponsored by the Nederland Lions Club. Cash award for the best speech - judging by the Nederland Lions Club. Speeches are 5-7 minutes, first place winner will progress to a district contest before April 22.
Please contact Ms. Redmon or Ms. Evans if you would like to participate.
Seniors Photos 2024
We need your help! We're currently crowdsourcing for candid, fun photos of our 2024 Seniors. Got any snapshots that deserve to be in the yearbook? Don't keep them to yourself! Send your best shots to jeanine.thurston@bvsd.org and let's make this year's yearbook the most memorable one yet!
Come Work With Us!
Free Dental Services at NMSHS - Friday Feb. 16
BVSD is partnering with Clinica Family Health to provide preventative dental services at our school. Dental services may include screenings, fluoride applications, sealants, and referrals for additional care not available at schools.
All students are eligible to participate. To receive these services for your child, please fill out the consent form.
Link to Electronic Consent Form (English)
Link to Consent Form (pdf version)
If you have questions regarding this school-based dental program, please contact:
Crystal Williams, Director of Dental Hygiene, Clinica Family Health, 303-650-4460, ext 6101
Marisol Carrillo (habla español), Dental Assistant, Clinica Family Health, 303-650-4460, ext 6816
All, please join us for our February Virtual PTA meeting next Wednesday at 6:00pm
Wednesday, February 7 @ 6:00pm
Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/rzu-yvce-kjs
Or dial: (US) +1 515-518-4378 PIN: 654309063#
Also, exciting news: the kids' Snack Cart is coming back! There will be snacks for sale for $1 at the end of the day on Friday, February 9. All proceeds will go towards raising money for the After Prom party this year! Be sure to have your kids bring some cash so they can enjoy a treat on their way out for the weekend..
6th Grade Social Studies making Geometry and Geography come to life!
Nederland Attends BVSD Unified Bowling Event!
Did You Know?
Did you know that you can filter the school calendar view on the website? There are a lot of items on our calendar and filtering allows you to quickly find items that apply to your family. When viewing the full calendar there is a blue filter icon to the right of the date selection dropdown. This filter applies to both full calendar and event list views.
Next to the filter icon is a feed icon. If you would like to have these calendar feeds show up in your personal calendar so you don't miss any events, click on the feed icon and follow the instructions.
Hey everyone!
We have exciting things happening in February! Check out our calendar and definitely have your teen join us on the 28th and 29th for our big Foam Pit Party! There will be competitions, pizza, and ice cream :)
Also, is your high schooler looking for a job? We're still hiring!
Teamworks job openings
Teamworks is an awesome opportunity for Ned youth. More information: teamworkscolorado.org. Please reach out with any opportunities, questions or concerns.
Crew Leader
Campout Coordinator
Crew Member
Nederland Middle Senior High School
Bell Times: 8:30 am-3:45 pm; 9:30 am-3:45 pm Wednesdays
Front Office: 720-561-4900
Attendance line: 720-561-4902
Transportation: 720-561-6241
Email: nmshs.contact@bvsd.org
Website: neh.bvsd.org
Location: 597 County Rd. 130, Nederland, CO 80466
Phone: 720-561-4900