OLHMS PTSA Meeting on Monday, October 4th at 7:00PM
As of Friday Morning, Mrs. Kromphardt's Advisory has taken the lead with Ms. Orloff's Advisory is in 2nd Place. There are a couple of other advisory’s that are right behind them so get those final orders in. This Monday, October 4th is the last day to order. A pick up day will be scheduled once orders are finalized.
Our Cookie Kits make a fun activity, a yummy treat and at least $5 of every sale is coming back to support the OLHMS PTSA. Please consider purchasing.
D123 Spooktacular
We are so excited to be hosting our 2nd Annual Drive thru Spooktacular, WE NEED YOU!
Our PTSA is seeking support:
*Families who enjoy Halloween to sign up to do a display or trunk. Students may get volunteer hours for helping at a family display/ trunk or by coming in costume and standing and waving.
Sign up to do a display or trunk display.
*Candy, Fruit snacks, pretzels, individual bags of lays potato chips, small toys (bounce balls, glow sticks, fidgets) donations. There is a donation box in the OLHMS office. We are hoping to have all donations no later then October 13 so we have time to make the treat bags.
Amazon wish list
Monetary Donations
Look for this coming week's OLHMS Weekly for our flyer with the Sign Up Genius for registering for a time to drive thru the Spooktacular. This will be another fun event for families of all ages.
Next Meeting
Please Join us on Monday, October 4th at 7:00pm in the OLHMS staff lounge for our next PTSA Meeting! We look forward to seeing everyone and sporting/ selling our new OLHMS masks!
There is a limited stock for these masks for $10.00 each.
If you have not signed up for the PTSA yet, sign up by Monday afternoon for a chance to win a $25 gift card.
Mask orders and spirit wear arrived on Thursday. Spirit wear arrivals are being delivered to advisory classes. Please be patient, orders may not come home until Monday. There are some spirit wear orders that are back ordered, all order forms will be given out to advisory classes and they explain the expected date of the back ordered items to arrive.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our PTSA President Teresa Shane tmshane@gmail.com