Ray Marsh Updates
Jan. 16th
Upcoming Events
Jan. 16th
- No School-Teacher Professional Learning Day
Jan. 19th
- Club and Group Picture Day
Jan. 23rd
- PTA Mtg. 6:30 in library
Jan. 24th
- Chat n' Chew
- PTA sponsored Skate Party
- NW Area Orchestra Festival 7p @ SMNW
Jan. 25th
- NW Area Band Concert 7p @ SMNW
Jan. 26th
- 3rd Science Enrichment
Jan. 29th
- 3rd Grade field trip - Folly Theatre
Feb. 1st
- Scheduled night conferences
Feb. 2nd
- Talent Show 7p--See below for info and sign ups
From the Nurse
The number of flu cases in our community is on the rise. While we have not had large flu outbreaks in our schools, it is important to know the symptoms of the flu and keep students home if they are ill.
People who have the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:
Fever or feeling feverish/chills (It’s important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever)
Sore throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Muscle or body aches
Fatigue (tiredness)
The best flu prevention includes:
Receiving the flu vaccination
Avoid contact with people who are sick
Stay home if you are ill and for 24 hours after symptoms have subsided
Cover nose and mouth with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing
Wash hands frequently Avoid touching eyes, nose, mouth
Clean and disinfect surfaces
Cathy Hsieh RN, BSN
Ray Marsh Elementary
Great Kindness Challenge Jan. 22-26
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We're excited to announce that the Shawnee Mission School District is participating in The 2018 Great Kindness Challenge. Our schools will join more than 15,000 other schools across the country to focus on creating a culture of kindness.
While we focus daily on the power of kindness, The Great Kindness Challenge (GKC) is one special week spanning from January 22 to 26. During this time, we'll focus even more on performing as many acts of kindness as possible at school, home and in the community. We'll provide a checklist of 50 kind acts to help inspire ideas. The students take it from there, proving that bullying is weak and kindness is strong.
Your child will be part of a powerful and positive bullying prevention initiative that will lead to more kindness, unity and respect at school and beyond.
To have the greatest impact on our students, we want to engage families and the community in The 2018 Great Kindness Challenge. If you'd like, please download the app or visit The Great Kindness Challenge, and participate in this special week at home.
Thank you in advance for helping create a culture of kindness and compassion in our school. The work we do during this special week will only emphasize what we strive to accomplish every day in our schools, which is to create a safe and welcoming environment for all.
With Great Gratitude,
Kasey Weishaar
From Trailridge MS for 6th grade families
We would like to invite you to a Trailridge event that is rapidly approaching. January 18th is All in One Night at TMS. On this night, we have encouraged teachers to showcase the many activities, projects, and successes that make Trailridge a fantastic place to be. We encourage our 6th grade parents and students to join us for this exciting event to learn more about the building and the courses that are offered.
When you arrive at Trailridge, please park in the back lot off of 75th street. Also, please consider carpooling as parking will be at a premium.
All In One Night is the first of a few events that will support your 6th grader’s transition to Trailridge next fall. At this event, you can look for:
- 5:30 – 6:00: 6th grade parent meeting in the MPR
- Heath Sigg, principal, and Leah Cogswell, associate principal, will lead a sixth-grade parent meeting to discuss second semester transition
- 6:00 – 8:00: Student led Open House throughout the building. Look fors:
- Concerts in the MPR
- 6:15: Band
- 6:30: Choir
- 7:00: Orchestra
- Student led math games to demonstrate how TMS differentiates math. Principals will discuss course placement model.
- Student led ELA (reading) campfire ‘scary stories’ and debates. Staff will be on hand to discuss curricula.
- Student led social studies will provide a Gallery Walk of projects. Staff will share integration with reading.
- Student led science will present engineering fair from first quarter and explain projects. Staff will discuss curricula.
- Student led exploratory classes:
- Woodworking will tour the lab and model bowls and other projects from first semester
- Art students will engage sixth graders in fingerprinting in clay to set goals for next year
- Family and Consumer Science will have students tour the kitchen and ice cookies
- Journalism will have students lead through our online / live video announcements
- Creative Writing and Performance will have student led review of writing and reading
- Music will have walking troubadours throughout the night at varied locations
- Physical Education will have games that are student led to focus on fitness
- Foreign Language will have students on hand to share vocabulary games and daily curricula
- Concerts in the MPR
- 8:00: Principals led sixth-grade parent meeting in the MPR (repeat of the 5:30 meeting)
Please call or email with any questions or clarifications (993.1000 or leahcogswell@smsd.org)
Talent Show Feb. 2nd
Please see the flyer(s) below in regards to talent show sign ups and information. You will need to complete the bottom portion of the form, return it, and then attend a screening on Jan. 18th or 19th so supervisors can preview the act.
6th grade students have an additional opportunity to Emcee, perform with Mr. Weishaar, and/or help backstage during the show. The required dates for these opportunities are Jan. 26th and the night of the show!
Ray Marsh Elementary
Email: kaseyweishaar@smsd.org
Website: marsh.smsd.org
Location: 5642 Rosehill Road, Shawnee, KS, United States
Phone: 913.993.3400
Twitter: @kaseyweishaar