Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ May 3, 2021
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
This week, students in grades K-8 will take the spring round of the iReady diagnostic assessment for reading and math. All students whether they are an Eagle@Home or an Eagle@School (at home) will take the first 30 minutes of each diagnostic with their teacher. The rest of the diagnostic will be taken independently throughout the remainder of the window and completed by Friday, May 14th. As you may remember, the iReady assessment is computer adaptive and is designed for students to get 50% of the questions incorrectly and 50% correctly in order to determine their instructional level. The test results are more accurate when students complete the questions independently. For additional information please: https://i-readycentral.com/FamilyCenter/ and our Oak Grove website, Assessment Information.
Class Building for 2021-2022
Reminder: 2021-2022 Returning family Registration
Returning family registration is open until May 10th. Please use your registration log-in information that was emailed to you on the morning of April 26. If you have any questions please contact Karen Draths at draths@ogschool.org.
*New student registration will take place on June 7th and 8th. More details to come.*
PTO News
Please join us on Wednesday for the next PTO meeting (11:30; Zoom details below). We will be discussing the bylaws, budget, and committee chairs for next year.
AGENDA can be found HERE
Join May 5th PTO Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 986 6424 0458
Passcode: haCh3t
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week! Please take a moment to have your child write a note, draw a picture or send an email for their amazing Oak Grove teachers. It goes without saying that this has been a challenging year, but Oak Grove has persevered in large part because of the hard work and dedication of our remote and in-person teachers. Our teachers deserve to feel loved and supported after all that they have given to our students! Take a moment to make them feel appreciated!
If you would like to purchase a gift for your child’s teacher, please consider purchasing a gift card from My Teacher’s Favorite Things.
The PTO is so excited to start celebrating our graduating Class of 2021! 8th grade families, please make sure to check out the Countdown to Graduation Announcement in the Virtual Backpack for upcoming activities. Class of 2021 Yard Signs were delivered last week. Thank you to Haeli Byrnes, Kelly Kelton, Ashley Miller, Lisa Perrone, Sarah Roe, Jennifer Tippet and Rebecca Wagner for getting those yard signs in the ground!
A huge shout out also goes to Liz Howard and Haeli Byrnes for organizing the Countdown and to all our parent volunteers helping the Class of 2021 finish their time at OGS strong!
When: May 3rd-11th (Eagles@Home night on May 5th from 3:30-6PM)
Where: Jr. High Playground
CASHLESS PAYMENT is available! Sign up for an eWallet TODAY on our website https://www.scholastic.com/bf/ogs
TEACHER GIFT CERTIFICATES can be found on our flyer HERE. Show your sincere appreciation and help them continue to build their classroom libraries. Thank you for your support!
On Friday, April 30 the PTO hosted a grab-and go luncheon for our wonderful OGS staff. It was one of the few times this school year that all remote and in-person staff were in the building, making it the perfect time to celebrate our amazing, hard working and dedicated staff members. A BIG THANK YOU to Christine Merrild, Jen Sahagian, and Krista Sorensen for organizing!
Summer Camp Ideas
Summer Camps are back at Oak Grove! Courses will be held the weeks of July 19th and 26th, with morning and afternoon sessions here in person at OGS. All courses are $130 per student and taught by your Oak Grove teachers. We have offerings such as Art, Cheer, Cooking, and Math along with a few others! Registration will open next week on May 10th. Please preview all of our course offerings at the link below. We look forward to seeing you this summer! OGS Summer Camps
This summer, Oak Grove is offering Camp Invention (flyer in virtual backpack) in June and OGS teachers run summer camps in July (posted in this week’s OG news). In addition, we have a former OGS student who is organizing a girls STEM summer camp as part of her Girl Scout project. For more information, see her flyer in the virtual backpack or at her website: WhenWomenSTEM.com.
For more information about Camp Invention, contact: Donatella Smith, dsmith@ogschool.org
For more information about OGS Summer Camps, contact: Kari Meyer, meyer@ogschool.org
For more information about WhenWomenSTEM, contact: Erika von Kirchbach, eavonkirchbach@gmail.com
Monday Mental Health Minute
The Mental Health team at Oak Grove, consisting of two School Social Workers, two School Psychologists, and the Social Emotional Learning Coordinator, will be providing you information on several social emotional topics throughout the 2020-21 school year. Twice a month, we will provide you with a brief overview of a topic as well as at least one resource for additional information. Please feel free to reach out Ryan Murray, SEL Coordinator, if you have questions or need help finding more information.
This month’s topic is Mental Health Awareness. Each year millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. Mental Health Month raises awareness of trauma and the impact it can have on the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of children, families, and communities. During May 2021, the National Alliance for Mental Illness is part of a national movement to raise awareness about mental health. NAMI fights stigma, provides support, educates the public and advocates for policies that support people with mental illness and their families. For 2021’s Mental Health Awareness Month NAMI will continue to amplify the message of “You Are Not Alone.” Together, we can realize our shared vision of a nation where anyone affected by mental illness can get the appropriate support and quality of care to live healthy, fulfilling lives — a nation where no one feels alone in their struggle.
Additional Resources:
National Alliance of Mental Illness
Noetic Math Contest
Thank you to all of our 5th - 8th grade students (@home and @school) who participated in the Noetic Math Contest in April! We had 76 students participate!
The following students will receive awards:
*5th Grade Team 1 Winner: Ryan Chen (also National Honor Roll Winner)
*5th Grade Team 1 National Honor Roll Winners: Ethan Cao and Surya Meiyappan
*5th Grade Team 2 Winner: Carter Schlitt (also National Honor Roll Winner)
*6th Grade Team Winner: Mira Shah
*7th Grade Team Winner: Eli Cui (also National Honor Roll Winner)
*7th Grade National Honor Roll Winner - Aryaman Hati
*8th Grade Team Winner - Ahan Dey
Mrs. Phillips will hand out medals to students once they are available.
Please email Mrs. Phillips (phillips@ogschool.org) if you have any questions.
Oak Grove School Education Foundation
Oak Grove families,
Leave your mark at OGS by purchasing an inscribed paver on the playground!
This is an excellent graduation gift to commemorate your child's years at OGS.
Celebrate this past year through a lasting message.
Proceeds fund the Oak Grove School Education Foundation and support teachers ideas to differentiate curriculum. Visit our website at http://www.ogsef.org and place your order today! Campaign runs from May 3rd - May 31st.
Standards Based Learning Committee is Back
In 2017-2018, we facilitated a Middle School SBG committee which included teachers, parents, administrators and board representation. Topics included research about SBG, reviewing models from other districts and determining our middle school roll out plan. It is time to review the 6th grade pilot and determine next steps.
If you were on the original committee, we hope you can still join us. We are also open to include new committee members who are interested in this work, save the date for May 19th from 4-5 pm. The meeting will take place through a google meet. RSVP by Monday, May 17th HERE.
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120