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K-6 Weekly
Check out highlights for the Week of March 19-25 @ BCSVA
Sparkle of the Week!
An opportunity to see our Elementary & Intermediate School crew!
We miss seeing our students, we are excited to see you!
(Dress in layers :)
What is Happening this Week with Teaching and Learning?
Kinders - 2nd Grade!
- In math, students have been learning about adding numbers to 10 in kinder, shapes in 1st, and money and time in 2nd.
- We will be talking about some famous women, past and present for Women’s history month
In Social Studies, we are learning the importance of rules and why we need them at home and in our society, creating maps of places we know and landforms
5th and 6th Graders!
- We have NC Check-ins for the 5th and 6th grades.
- March 21 for 5th grade at 8:30
- March 22 for 6th grade at 8:30
Students will complete both ELA and Math NC Check-ins on the same day!
Thursday is Bowling from 1-4
- Reminder, students should be reading a minimum of 30 minutes independently for homework daily.
- Daily reading contributes to academic success.
Focus on student growth & NC Assessments:
NC Check-Ins
NC Check-Ins
NC Department of Public Instruction implements NC Check-ins to identify where students are with proficiency for the course standards.
This process is in place to identify areas of need for teachers to connect with students for reteaching standards.
NC Check-Ins
March 20th-24th
Ms. Ransom will connect with parents and students on times and dates for testing.
5th Grade March 21, 2023
Students should arrive at 8:15
6th Grade March 22, 2023
Students should arrive at 8:15
Where: BCSVA Haw Creek Campus
10 Bethesda Road
Asheville, NC 28805
Testing should take approximately 2-3 hours.
Students should bring their school laptop and charger.
🍎 BCSVA and BCS Happenings 🍎
Messages from Office Staff
3/24/23 - This Friday is an Early Release day for students. Teachers, countywide, will be working on professional development with peers to focus on teaching and learning during this time (1:00-3:30)
The Parent Portal app is still not currently working. A ticket for repair has been issued to the State. You can access Parent Portal by using a computer or a browser on your phone. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the office.
Buncombe County Schools 2022-2023 Calendar
AND...if you are a planner!
Buncombe County Schools 2023-2024 Calendar
- Sign up for Tools for Schools to give back to BCSVA. Link your Ingles Advantage Card to our school. Tools for Schools
- Please check out BCS Advisory Board INFO to learn more about our School Advisory Board for BCSVA.LINK for Advisory Board
- The free and Reduced Lunch application is still available. Free/Reduced Lunch Application
BCSVA Community Activities!
Hop in your car or walk to a Buncombe County Public Librariy!
You can find Ms. Ayers at Buncombe County Public Libraries (county-wide)!
Stop by and drop in from 1:00-3:00 PM.
Students will be able to connect with students from their area, learn to be library users, and build community relations.
BCSVA Connects with ALL of Buncombe County!
Help us plan for our Bowling Day!!!
What are YOU reading?
- We would love to KNOW & SEE which/what book (s) you are reading.
- Share a picture of you and your book OR draw an illustration of your book!
- We are creating a visual of our love of literacy each day with new connections you make when you read!
March 20-24- NC Check-Ins
March 23- Bowling at SkyLanes ALL School Field Trip from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
March 24 - Early Release @ 1:00
Buncombe County Schools Virtual Academy
Email: bcsvirtual@bcsemail.org
Website: https://bcsva.buncombeschools.org/
Location: 21 Trinity Chapel Road building 10, Asheville, NC, USA
Phone: 828-255-5102
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bcs.virual.academy
- NC Check-ins, https://www.abss.k12.nc.us/o/hres/article/904460
- Heart, https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/the-truth-about-your-heart
- What are you Reading, http://barrowselementary.blogspot.com/2016/07/what-are-you-reading.html
- Ecology Club, https://www.crestmem.edu/Page/90
- Teach and Learn, https://vdc.edu.au/vdc-news/good-teaching-and-learning-what-really-makes-a-difference/
- Testing Mission from NC, https://www.dpi.nc.gov/districts-schools/testing-and-school-accountability#AnalysisandReporting-1232