September 2023

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Welcome LSOA Star!
Important Links
- Learning Coach Resources: https://www.smore.com/gn920
- Report Bullying: https://www.smore.com/4m23y
School Information
- Handbook
- Calendar
- Report an absence
Important Dates
Coming Up:
🚩Sept 4th: Labor Day -School Holiday🚩
Sept 13th & 14th: Math TFAR Assessment
Sept 20th & 21st: ELA TFAR Assessment
Sept 27th & 28th: Math TFAR Assessment
Oct 2nd - 5th: Zap the Zeros Week
🚩October 6th - 9th: FALL Break- School Holiday 🚩
What is a TFAR Assessment?
A TFAR, or Texas Formative Assessment Resource, is an assessment that is in the same system as the STAAR test. Students will alternate each week by taking a 10-question math test one week, and the next week they will take a 10-question ELA test that has questions similar to what they will see on the STAAR test. This assessment will be taken by using the link from your student's teacher. The link will be posted each week in the OMHS and your student will take the test on their own. If your student cannot find the link, please have them attend office hours with their teacher on Wednesday or Thursday. This assessment is a grade, so please ensure it is complete each week.
What is Zap The Zeros Week?
Twice each semester we host Zap The Zeros sessions. The first one is October 2nd - 5th. This entire week is dedicated to completing missing/late work, reviewing and retaking quizzes in the OMHS that have a failing grade, and getting the student's grades up. In class, they will review and have an opportunity to ask their teachers questions to help them on their assignments.
Need help staying organized?
Grab the calendar below to keep track of your important dates and tasks
STAAR Scores Update
Current LSOA families were emailed the instructions to view their results on August 15th! The Texas Education Agency provides a student portal where they share your State Testing results and other important information.
You can access these scores by following these steps:
Go to the Texas Assessment website: https://www.texasassessment.gov/index.html
View Your Child’s Test Results is in the center of the screen.
Enter the student’s Unique Access Code and date of birth.
Your Unique Access Code was included in the STAAR results email sent on August 15th!
Find the complete information on getting your student's results in the Texas Family State Testing Guide on page 17.
School phone number: 972-420-1404 ext:____
Have you joined the LC Community?
Don't forget to join the K12 National community too!
Step 1. Log into the OLS with your Learning Coach account
Step 2. Click on the "Community" tab
Step 3. Click on K12 National Community, agree to terms and conditions, click Join!
Communities are a valuable resource of information from Learning Coaches here at LSOA and across our nation! Connect with them today!
Gifted & Talented
Have questions about the GT program or want to refer your child? Please review the slides from the Gifted & Talented team - download the PDF below. You may also watch the recording of the meetings from 9/6 & 9/7. The referral form is also linked below.
All referrals after October 15, 2023 will be placed on the assessment list for Spring 2024.
GT Video: Click here to view
GT Parent Referral form: Click here to refer your student
For more information and to check if you qualify go to www.getinternet.gov
Home - ACP - Universal Service Administrative Company (https://affordableconnectivity.gov/)
Food and Housing Resources
findhelp.org by findhelp - Search and Connect to Social Carehttps://www.findhelp.org/
Full Cart - America's Virtual Food Bank! https://fullcart.org/
Tech support phone number: 866-512-2273
Having trouble entering class? Or having trouble with online lessons or required testing? Try and clear your internet browser's "cache and cookies". Clearing this data from your internet browser may clear up issues most of the time. Click the link below to see the instructions. This link will also be in the Learning Coach Resources Newsletter.
Emailing your teacher
You can contact your teacher via email from the "Messages" area on the OLS then "Contact Teachers" tab. You will find your teacher, counselor, principal and assistant principal, and your case manager if you have one.
OMHS Parent Guide
Need help navigating the OMHS. Here is the parent guide!
Newrow (online classroom) Support
Quick Tech Check: https://smart.newrow.com/room/testPage/
Email lcu@k12.com if you have any questions.
Blur Background for Student's cam
LSOA's acceptable use policy covers inappropriate background visuals and sounds. You can find it in the student handbook linked here: Under "Calendar & Handbook" section.
Background Blur: Background Blur can be activated in two places: when you activate your device and on the device settings page. To enable background blur, toggle the feature on. This feature is currently only available in Chrome.
Tip: When toggling on the background blur, be sure to allow the background blur to start before selecting "Confirm."
Reminder: To ensure a safe and respectful learning environment for all students, members of LSOA will follow the policy outlined in the student handbook.
Learning Coaches are no longer required to log attendance daily.
The OMHS will automatically track your student's attendance
LSOA attendance requirements: The state of Texas requires your student to have an average of 450 minutes (7.5 hours) of daily attendance or 35 hours/2, 250 minutes each school week.
- Attendance minutes are tracked by the computer as your student logs in for class connect sessions, testing sessions and to complete daily lessons.
- The learning coach will monitor the student outside of the OMHS to ensure the student is getting the rest of their daily time in. This will be accumulated through lunch, recess, extra reading, extra practice, educational games and any other school-related activity done by the student.
Stride Clubs
Make a Commitment to Grow!
At LSOA, we are driven by The Three E's that make us the #1 K-7 School in the USA! We believe in all of learners and their amazing ability to grow. With all of learning community committed to Excellence, Engagement and Endurance, we know all of our learners can reach our LSOA goal of at least One Year's Growth!
Contact Information
Chelsea Puchstein
Middle School Principal
Payton Edwards
Middle School Lead Teacher
Caitlin Padilla
Middle School Counselor