Week 5, Term 1 - Friday 3 March 2023
Kia Manawanui - Have a Heart
Kia Māia - Be Courageous
Kia Kaha - Do Your Best
Kia Ora - Be Well
tonight - community picnic
Part farewell to Miss Sowman, part thank you to our Home and School, and part just bringing everyone together, we would love to see heaps of people there.
Tomorrow: Saturday 4 March from 8.00am-10.00am
We are having a truckload of bark delivered to our school this afternoon and would love some helpers to help us move it. Many hands make light work!
Bring: gloves, wheelbarrow, shovels and a team attitude.
See you there!
black & white day for the bay
On Wednesday our School took part in Black & White Day for the Bay.
Our staff and tamariki dressed in black and white and together we raised just over $600.00 to donate to Hawkes Bay & Tairāwhiti Schools.
Thanks to our helpers Parker Smith & Lucy Nicholas for collecting and counting the money.
Pango me ma everywhere!
school values
Kia Manawanui - Have a Heart
Kia Māia - Be Courageous
Kia Kaha - Do Your Best
Kia Ora - Be Well
Ask your tamariki about our values and see how you can incorporate them into home life.
Indy Wylde-Prestney with her Mako Values award and her friend
Emmie Lucinsky.
Rihari Hotene showed us Kia Kaha with his learning in class. Ka pai Rihari!
Nixon Gadsby, Billy MacRae, Ari Marlow, Hamu Adams and Liam Wilson have been setting a great example by wearing their helmets whenever they play on ANYTHING with wheels. Great Kia Ora boys!
Year 1 & 2, Year 3 & 4 & Year 5 & 6 netball is all sorted - thank you to all the parents who put their hands up to coach / help out. More info on your teams will come out next week. This starts in Term 2.
Year 7 & 8 - YAY we have enough players for THREE teams! However this also means we need Coaches, Managers, Umpires and Scorers for EACH team. If you can help or you have whānau who can help, please let us know asap so we can sort the teams. The first game for Year 7 & 8s is Saturday 1 April.
These will be available to sign up for via Hero over the next few weeks. We will also post on Facebook, however to sign your child up you must have Hero. If you need help with Hero pop into the office to see Paula or Kerie so you do not miss out.
Touch is well & truly up and running. Thanks again to our wonder Coaches and parent helpers. Without you guys our tamariki would miss out.
Puketapu Storm after their game on Wednesday.
We are so grateful for our wonderful kai team and the meals they make with aroha for us every day.
On the menu for next week...
Monday: Wholemeal Pizza
Tuesday: Meatball Subs
Wednesday: Butter Chicken
Thursday: Toasted Sandwiches
Friday: Burger Day
breakfast club
It's free, it's delicious and it's a great way to start the day!
our school pets
Pablo is a grey cat, often seen greeting tamariki at the school gate in the morning. He can also be regularly found in Whaea Kelly's class, roaming around the playground at break time or "supervising" from a sunny spot in a garden. Pablo belongs to a local neighbour who is also on our School Board of Trustees. He loves to play!
Levi Murphy and Pablo the "Puketapu School Cat" when he is not at home with his humans!
Bowie is an English Springer Spaniel and his Dad is Mr Lewis in Kauri. Bowie joins us here at Puketapu some days. Bowie is usually on a lead (unless he is being silly and does a quick run away and plays a game with the person trying to catch him). Mr Lewis is great at making sure whoever is looking after Bowie knows what to do if he does a number 2!
Some of the students favourite things about Bowie:
Erin Sowman - "I love taking him for a run and getting some fresh air at break time"
Ella Rauputu - "I love how he always makes us laugh by doing funny things"
Katie MacRae - "I love how he is in our class and helps some of the students learn about animals"
Natalie Corin - "I love how he is playful but also can be calm and knows how to act around children"
Elody Perrett - "I love how Bowie sits with me while doing my work, it helps me focus"
Navanah Meston, Elody Perrett, Anika Engebretsen & Zia Azad with Bowie
School Photos - time to order online
(If you didn't receive your code, check your spam folder or contact the office.)
Free delivery expires at midnight Sunday 19 March, so get on and order your photos today
Puketapu tshirt & Hoodie orders
We will open orders again in Term 2.
from around school
Kia Ora being shown by our senior students Ella Raputu, Erin Sowman, Natalie Coin
and Skye Blair.
Carlos Zenovich having fun with cicada skins!
The year 2's & 3's in Mrs Sharrocks class have been working hard this week
Wheels = Helmets
If you bring wheels to school, remember your helmet. Wheels are allowed in the quad area at break times and before school. Kia Ora - Be Well
Home & School
On Friday 24 Febuary the Puketapu Home and School Committee hosted their annual golf day fundraiser at Manukorihi Golf Course, Waitara. They had 19 Teams compete with 14 sponsored holes. Thank you to everyone that was involved in making this day a success, especially the generous sponsors, businesses and players. A special thank you to Craig from Smok'n Comrades for feeding everyone. The day raised just over $9,000.00 which will go back into projects for our Tamariki.
Bingo night coming up - more details coming next week
from home
If you have anything you would like to share or celebrate from home please email it to office@puketapu.school.nz
- Ella Mackenzie
- Aria Hanscombe
- Conrad Hobin
- Honor Wilson
- Ayaan Azad
- Deeziah Brider-Mahuru
- Ethan Cross
- Mika Falaniko
- Kiah-Jayne Wylde-Prestney
Upcoming dates
Please check the Hero App for more dates specific to your child's class.
Friday 3 March
- Community Picnic (5-7pm)
Thursday 9 March
- Home & School Meeting @ Theoretical Brewer / Smok'n Comrades 6.30pm
Monday 13 March
- Taranaki Anniversary Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Sunday 19 March
- Last day to order school photos with free delivery
Monday 20 March
- Year 7 & 8 Vaccinations
- BOT Meeting
Friday 24 March
- Puketapu Swimming Sports (Senior School @ Bell Block Pool)
- Bell Block School Gala Day 5pm-7pm
Tuesday 28 March
- Year 6 leave for Camp (Te Wera)
Friday 31 March
- Year 6 return from Camp
Wednesday 5 April
- End of Term Assembly @ Northpoint Church 9.15am
Thursday 6 April
- Last Day of Term 1
Monday 24 April
- First Day of Term 2
Tuesday 25 April
- ANZAC Day / School Closed
Monday 1 May
- Staff Only Day / School Closed
Community notices
Super kids try athlon
the Taranaki Triathlon Club has an event series coming up very soon that students at your school might be interested in trying out. We are putting on 4 short triathlons for years 1-9 called SuperKidz Tryathlons.
e want all our SuperKidz athletes to have fun and feel safe so we will cater for three age group waves with achievable distances that focus on participation and building confidence.
Some of your students may be already signed up to do the Weetbix Tryathlon and this event series is designed to build towards that goal.
Approximate distances are:
Year 1-3: 350m Run/ 700m Cycle/ 1 width swim
Year 4-6: 700m Run/ 1.4km Cycle/ 1 length swim
Year 7-9: 1.1km Run/ 2.1km Cycle/ 2 lengths swim
Thursday, March 2
Thursday, March 9
Thursday, March 16
Thursday, March 23
The series will be held at Francis Douglas Memorial College and the first wave will start at 5.30pm, with registration starting from 4.30pm.
Entry details can be found at www.tritaranaki.nz/taranaki-superkidz-tryathlon
Taranaki Canoe Polo
The club is looking for more people to help out with the upcoming leagues in Term 2 and Term 3 to ensure we can deliver these leagues in a safe and fun environment.
The club was unable to offer a Term 1 league due to limited resources and will only be able to offer a limited programme in Term 2. If you or your child loves playing canoe polo, please consider putting your hand up to volunteer.
We need:
1. More club committee members - this involves a commitment of one meeting per month and rostered poolside attendance on club nights. Rostered 2-3 nights per term.
2. Supervisors poolside on club nights - this involves ensuring team managers are organising their teams and all players have gear on correctly. Rostered 3-5 nights per term depending on number of supervisors we have.
3. Team managers - point of contact for team and organising your team on club night.
Registrations of interest for Term 2 will be coming out soon. You will be able to indicate if and how you can help through the registration form but please also reply to this email to let us know if you can help!
If we do not get more committed adults to help run the club, we are at risk of not being able to continue to run a canoe polo club at all. We would really appreciate your help to keep the club going.
The Taranaki Canoe Polo Committee
parent workshop
bell block school gala
Puketapu School
Email: office@puketapu.school.nz
Website: www.puketapu.school.nz
Location: Dillon Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Phone: 06 755 0973