VLAC Family News
December 22, 2023
Warm Wishes for the Holiday Break
The holidays are a special time for coming together, cherishing old traditions, and creating new ones. Whether it's cozying up by the fire with loved ones, sharing delicious meals, or spreading acts of kindness, may these moments become treasured memories to last a lifetime. We hope you are able to enjoy time to slow down and make special memories with your children this holiday season!
Upcoming Dates
December 25-January 5: Holiday Break
January 8: School Resumes
January 18: Little Creatures Enrichment Experience
January 22: STEMi Enrichment Experience
January 26: Last Day to Submit Work for Semester One
What is My Grade?
Please note that the grades in these reports might not be your student's actual grades, as they do not account for any missing work. If your student is behind in their pacing, the grade sent in the report will not be accurate.
Please reach out to your mentor teacher for further explanation. Lincoln families can gain more access to view their students current grades and progress by logging in through the clever portal at family.clever.com.
Students and Families looking at grades in Imagine please look at ACTUAL GRADE-this is the most accurate picture of student performance.
Getting Caught Up
If you find yourself behind in your classes the holiday break is a great time to get caught up. Here are some notes and suggestions from our staff to help you get caught up:
Students in Grades K-8 Lincoln: Focus on Three Its:
Need help getting caught up to your pacing guide in Lincoln? Did you know that you do not have to complete every "It"? VLAC teachers suggest during times you may need to get caught up that you focus on Read It, Show It and Assess It.
Students in Imagine: students who are significantly behind have been asked to meet with their mentor teacher to put together a plan to get caught up. This plan often involves turning on pre-testing so that students may test out of parts of their lessons and focus on essential content. If you are behind pace in Imagine and have not yet talked with your mentor or counselor about pre-testing please email them soon.
Imagine and Lincoln Staff: teachers from both companies have offices hours, their phone numbers and emails available for students to reach out and get assistance. They are supposed to return communications within 24 hours. If you reach out to your teacher and they do not respond within 24 hours (not counting weekends), please email your VLAC mentor teachers so they can assist you in contacting your Imagine or Lincoln teacher.
Imagine, Lincoln, and VLAC Closures: Both platforms are open over break. Content teachers and tutoring will not be accessible during break.
Course End Dates
Please be mindful of your course end dates. No extensions will be given on course end dates past the end of semester one, January 26th. All course work must be submitted before the end of the semester so that teachers can grade work and enter final grades. High School students: your grades are sent to your sending school the first week of February. If you joined the program late, please ensure that you have agreed on your course end dates with your mentor teacher (Grades K-12) and Counselor (Grades 6-12).
What Happens if I Finish My Courses Early?
Students in Grades K-5 who complete their semester one courses early should work on iReady Reading and Math. The lessons are adaptive, which means that they adjust to challenge your student at their appropriate academic level.
Students in Grades 6-8 should contact their counselor and VLAC teacher to develop a plan.
Little Creatures Enrichment Experience
VLAC is excited to share we will be hosting Little Creatures at Oakland Schools on January 18th, 2024. Little Creatures is an Educational Wildlife Program. Since 1989, Dan Briere and The Little Creatures Co. have been providing fun and educational animal programs throughout the metro Detroit Michigan area. Little Creatures features an interesting variety of exotic animals from around the World and can speak to groups of all ages and sizes. The majority of their animals have been adopted and/or rescued from local animal shelters, police departments and private citizens. This event is for VLAC students in grades K-12. The cost is $10 per student. Please follow this link to register and pay: https://bit.ly/vlaclittlecreatures Additional information is listed on the attached flyer.
STEMi Enrichment Experience
VLAC has an amazing upcoming opportunity for our 5th and 8th grade students! The Stem-i will be visiting VLAC on Monday, January 22nd! Students will have the opportunity to learn more about career readiness and what interests them as well as why it interests them. Students will move through 6 stations where they are exploring, developing, and learning through hands-on materials.For more information and registration, please click the link below:
Contact the VLAC Team
Andrea Becker VLAC Lead Instructor 248-209-2079
Kimberly Mason: VLAC Project Assistant 248-209-2025
Mary Kotcher: VLAC Office Assistant 248-209-2071
Kristi McAllister: VLAC Special Populations Consultant 248-410-2202
Technology Support: 248-209-2060
Email: info@vlac.org
Website: https://virtuallearningacademyconsortium.org
Location: 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford Township, MI, USA
Phone: 248-209-2071
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VLAConsortium/
Twitter: @VLAConsortium
Oakland Schools Non Discrimination Policy
In accordance with state and federal law, Oakland Schools does not discriminate, nor permit discrimination, on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, sex, pregnancy or parental status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, height, weight, marital status, military service, veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status, in its educational programs and activities, employment, or enrollment. The District also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
For questions or complaints regarding unlawful discrimination or harassment, employees should contact the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Personnel Management and Labor Relations at (248) 209-2429 or HR@oakland@k12.mi.us. Students and others should contact the Civil Rights/Title IX Coordinator at (248) 209-2590 or Jacqueline.Zablocki@oakland.k12.mi.us.