Southwest Guilford High School
Dr. Monell's Weekly Message
We are Ranch Ready!
We are getting Ranch Ready for the 2022-2023 School Year! Thank you to all of the parents, family members, community members, PTSA, faculty and staff that showed up to make our Open House a place of belonging. The time was well spent for all in the way that met everyone's needs! Please access our Open House presentation with this link.
Students will have homeroom for the first three days at the beginning of the day in which they will get quite a bit of information from their Homeroom teachers. Beginning Day 1, we will be working on our device deployment plan. Homeroom teachers are listed on your student's schedules. Please ask your student to check their schedule and be ready to head to homeroom once they enter the building on Monday. Once in homeroom, all students will get a copy of an updated schedule. Some schedules may have been adjusted due to class balancing and changes in class times. Kudos to our counselors for their work this past week along with our support staff!
As a reminder, our doors are locked during the school day as an additional safety measure for the school community. If you need to enter the campus to pick up your child, you will be required to buzz in, have identification ready and state your purpose for entering the building. All visitors must still check in with either attendance or the main office.
Check-outs will need to be done by 4pm. This will allow our staff to call your student out in a timely fashion and get them to you safely while understanding surrounding movement and traffic in the parking lot as we prepare for buses and dismissal.
Back parking lot drop-off prohibited - Student drop-off is only to be in the front of the school. This year, we will have buses dropping off in the back parking lot. To keep the volume down and to support our student drivers, parent drop off will only be in the front parking lot.
Thank you in advance for understanding that we have worked to ensure the health and safety of our school community through scheduling, school operations, and being mindful of how we can allow students to have a safe and healthy return while building a welcoming and belonging school experience.
Bell Schedules
Bell Schedule with Homeroom (August 29-August 31st)
2022-2023 Bell Schedule
Evolv Screeners and OneCard
OneCard is the Guilford County School's student identification and access card. One Card provides many functions including school attendance, identification, media center checkout, public library access, and more.
In addition to fostering a safe learning environment and enhancing school safety and security One Card creates a feeling of unity among students; boosts school identity and pride; and assists with building community partnerships.
OneCard Distribution
OneCards will be distributed within the first couple of weeks of school. All students will be reissued a new OneCard. If a student is new to GCS or does not have a picture on file, we will ensure that the student's picture is taken in order to get a OneCard issued as soon as possible.
All students who are car riders, bus riders and student drivers will be expected to enter the building through designated entrance areas using their One Card. It is expected for students to have their One Card visible throughout the school day. Students can wear their OneCard on a pocket, around their neck, or clipped on their backpack (where it is visible) as long as it is visible to our staff.
Students who lose their One Card will have to pay $5.00 for a replacement card.
Evolv Body Scanners
- Every person, student & visitors, entering our building will travel through the body scanner.
- The body scanning system highlights and locates material that is deemed to be in question on our school grounds.
- If there is a ping from the body scanner, the administration will locate and identify the item in question.
- Body scanners are located at the main entrance of our building and near the student parking lot entrance.
- Students will walk through the body scanners and navigate to the OneCard machines prior to going to classes each morning as part of our daily safety protocols.
(Items to watch for a ping: magnetic closing eyeglass cases, large barrell spiral notebooks, or larger laptops with a metal barrell on the spine) If these items ping, we have a protocol to check for these items and students may pass these items through instead of having them in their bag as they walk through.)
GTCC and Weaver
GTCC-CCP students will start on Monday. Students arriving to school on the bus may take the bus over to GTCC by catching a bus in front of the school. No transportation will be provided after 1 pm. A bus will be leaving Southwest at 9:30 headed to GTCC for students with a 10:00am class. It will pick up any students needed to return from an earlier class. The next run will take another group at 10:30 over to GTCC with a pick-up at GTCC at 12:00 returning to Southwest. The last bus will leave with a group from Southwest to GTCC @ 1 pm. The bus will return to Southwest. Any student with a 1 pm class ending after that 1 pm time will need to arrange for transportation.
Counseling Info and Assignments
Ryan Schnaith-Ivan - Freshman - schnair@gcsnc.com
Tammy Bowman (10-12) - A-D -bowmant@gcsnc.com
Denesha Moore (10-12) - E-L - moored@gcsnc.com
Syreeta Williamson (10-12 - M-R - willias16@gcsnc.com
Janet Hudgens (10-12) - S-Z - hudgenj@gcsnc.com
Schedule Change and Registration Information - Click here
Schedule Changes
9th-11th grade students may begin submitting schedule change request forms on Thursday, September 1st. No underclassmen forms will be accepted prior to September 1st and the deadline to submit the form to the main office is Wednesday, September 7th.
Attention Parents/Guardians of Seniors
We want to remind our parents of an important requirement for students who are entering the 12th-grade this year.
12th-grade students are required to receive the booster dose of the Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV).
GCS is legally required to exclude students who do not have documentation showing they received the required vaccinations within 30 calendar days of the first day of school (Aug. 29, 2022, for schools on the traditional calendar), or their first date of enrollment.
Appointment cards are not accepted as proof of documentation.
We encourage you to get your child vaccinated now before the deadline.
MCV is available at your health care provider’s office or by appointment at the Guilford County Department of Public Health offices, located in Greensboro (1100 E. Wendover Ave.) and High Point (501 E. Green Dr.).
To schedule an appointment for your child please call (336) 641-3245. Students may also receive vaccinations from their healthcare provider.
For families without insurance, you may call (336) 641-6720 for a free health assessment and immunization appointment.
Lunch and Transportation QR Codes
Lunch Application
What You Need to Know
Apply for School Meals!
Aplica Ahora Para Las Comidas Escolares!
Parking Permits
All students who park a vehicle on campus must purchase a student parking permit and pay online through K-12 payment center, located on our website and the GCS website. The cost is $50.00. Students and a parent/guardian must complete a permit application found in the literature rack by the door into the front office, linked here, or from our website. Students must bring their completed application, registration, receipt from the K-12 payment center, proof of valid NC Driver's license, and proof of insurance to Mr. Philpott or Mrs. Karant to receive their parking pass. The cost of a replacement parking permits is $50.00.
Students are not allowed to go to their cars during the day without permission from an administrator. Students who leave campus without permission will lose the privilege of driving to school. Students who are chronically late to school will lose parking privileges.
Be aware, that the pass must be visible at all times!