MCCHS Friday Focus
264th Issue - August 25, 2023
From the Desk of Debra Cunico
I am so happy to be starting another school year here at Marian Central Catholic High School! We are excited to be welcoming in the Class of 2027, transfer students, and a couple international students, as well as seeing our returning students walking the halls again!
The entire faculty is primed and ready for a great school year. To prepare, our faculty participated in two full inservice days August 14 & 15, focusing on interdepartmental collaboration, policies and procedures, and school goals. In addition, Mr. Shukis talked in depth about how ours is not just a job, but a calling to work in a Catholic School, and Father Warren shared this year’s spiritual theme. We are excited to have the students embrace this theme throughout the entire school year.
All academic departments are continuously updating and improving the quality of instruction and student engagement in order to ensure that the education that we deliver is of high-quality and rigor. More specifically, our teachers are working on developing and honing lesson plans that provide students with a variety of approaches to their learning so that students construct their own knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and become real world problem solvers. The addition of several new teachers provides a fresh look at how to build relationships with our students while providing them with a first-class education.
In order to ensure that your student has a successful year here at Marian, here are a couple pieces of valuable information! By now, all parents/guardians should have received an email instructing how you can log into the Parent Portal. When you log in you will find that you have real-time access to your students’ grades and attendance records. If you have concerns or questions about grades or any other classroom issue, please always go to the teacher first, as they have the most direct knowledge about what is going on in the classroom and their specific classroom policies and procedures. You can find teacher contact information and webpages on the Marian website at www.marian.com. Students who find themselves struggling in any class have several resources to assist them. These include utilizing their teachers' Google Classrooms or Teams/OneNote platform, Advisory study hall times where they can arrange to meet with their teacher or signing up for NHS tutors through the Guidance office. The Guidance Counselors, the Academic Resource Department, Father Warren, and the entire administrative team are also there to assist students with any issues! We are proud to work as a team to provide your students with what they need to succeed socially, emotionally, spiritually, and academically.
Finally, please be sure to read the information below on our annual Back to School Night, coming up this coming Wednesday, August 30 at 7pm. **A change: We will now meet in the Auditorium to begin the night. We look forward to seeing you at Marian Central Catholic as you walk through your students’ daily schedule, meet the teachers and converse with Administration.
As I said earlier, I am very excited for this school year, stepping into the classrooms to see students grow and learn, and become the self-sufficient individuals we know they can be! Please know that my door is always open for your students and all of you.
Prayers for an amazing school year!
Mrs. Debra Cunico
Back to School Night
All parents are invited to attend our annual Back to School Night
Wednesday, August 30th
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Starting in the Auditorium
Meet Teachers - Learn about expectations - Visit Classrooms
Click below for additional information.
Please note that August 30th is a full day of classes for all students.
Thursday, August 31st is a Late Start
Color Run - Hosted by NHS
Marian Central’s National Honor Society is hosting a color run on Sunday, September 10th at the Marian Central track from 3-6pm . Come join the fun by registering here! We hope to see you there!
Golf Outing Results
On behalf of the entire Marian Central Catholic High School community, we would like to thank all those who supported our 2023 Golf Outing! Whether you golfed, volunteered, sponsored, or purchased a golf ball, your generosity helped ensure a very successful event.
We had record-breaking numbers of golfers, alumni and support. This year's event raised over $80,000 and will support Marian Central Athletics and our student-athletes!
Save the date on your calendar for next year, Monday, July 29, 2024!
Homecoming Parade
The Homecoming Parade is a wonderful Marian Central tradition! The parade will take place on Wednesday, September 13 at 3:30pm in the Woodstock Square. As the Homecoming parade preparations are being made, we are in search of the following vehicles: convertible cars to drive the Homecoming court and pickup trucks and flatbed trailers to drive the sports teams and clubs. Please contact Mrs. Bordeaux at kbordeaux@marian.com if you would be willing to drive your vehicle in the parade.
Parents Association
It takes many hands behinds the scenes to make every school event a success, so our students have the best possible experience! We appreciate your willingness to help make that possible. We are looking for help with the following events: Homecoming, Teacher Conference Dinner, Winter Formal, Catholic Schools Week, and Prom. Each event will have a small committee to help with the planning needs. Sign up to help here! We look forward to a successful school year and can't wait to make wonderful things happen at Marian Central with your help!
Class Rings Blessed
This year's sophomores will be given the opportunity to order class rings in the spring.