East Haven High School
Weekly Newsletter: November 12th, 2023
Parent-Teacher Conferences This Week
Marking Period 1 has closed at EHHS and teachers are working to finalize their grades in PowerSchool. Report cards will be sent electronically to students and parents/guardians tomorrow, however, the grade that you currently see on PowerSchool is your student's final grade for the Marking Period.
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, November 16th from 12:30-2:30 in the afternoon and again from 6:30-8:00 in the evening.
Attached are the directions on how you can sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences, which will be scheduled through the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Reminder: Students must be present to school in order to participate in practice
and activities after school. This includes Homecoming on 11/17.
Parent-Faculty Organization (PFO) To Host Movie Night
The EHHS PFO is hosting a movie night on Friday, December 1st. Doors open at 6pm and the movie will start at 6:30pm. We will be playing the movie, Home Alone. All are welcome to attend. We will be selling snacks and Santa will make an appearance!
Tickets are $5 (cash or card at the door) or you can use the link below to purchase tickets online (with additional fees).
The PFO is also holding a toy drive and fundraiser to the Yale Children's Hospital. You may bring an unwrapped toy or give a donation at the door.
We hope to see you there!
AP Exam Deposits are DUE Tonight!
Any student who indicated through My AP that they will be taking an AP exam have been charged a $40 deposit fee (per exam) in their Student Account. Payments are made through EFunds and are due this week - the deadline is Nov. 12th. As a reminder, the link to access EFunds is on the Parent LogIn Page of PowerSchool. For any technical issues with connecting to EFunds, please contact the District Information Technology Dept. at 203-468-3911. Note: ALL AP Exams require a deposit payment, regardless of Fee Waiver status!
Show up for Spirit Week this week and win a Dunkin Gift Card!
EHHS Maritime Program - Don't Miss This AWESOME Opportunity!!
Any students who are interested in the EHHS Maritime Program should complete the back of the flyer they received during the assembly on Oct. 27th. You can return the flyer to any of the teachers listed below and they will give you the permission slip needed for the Mystic Seaport Field Trip on Nov. 30th.
Mrs. Pompano - S322
Mr. Callahan - S317
Mr. Oshana - S313
*****The last day to hand this in is Nov. 14th. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Pompano. (mpompano@east-haven.k12.ct.us)
This week on The Comet we have new articles on the EH Boo Bash,
We debuted an EHHS alumni column: Back to the Hive with Katelynn Perno's Advice they wish they had when they attended EHHS, get an in-depth look at the new grading policy with Aidan Haley, and check in on the writing center with Giana Carr.
Roses and Thorns returns with the hot takes for the holidays, YellowJacket Astrology gives you a breakdown of what to expect for November (it IS Scorpio season), and check out the goings-on in EHHS science labs in Lab Diaries.
If you missed last week, we have articles on on Mr. Walraven joining the staff and Ms. Kalman coming Back to the Hive. Brooke Ciscone caught up on the ups and downs of the fall sports seasons. We have a feature on Hispanic Heritage Month and an editorial on how we define the term "minority" in EHHS.
Check out our site at https://easthaven.highschool.news
If you don't follow us on TikTok and Instagram, show your support @ehhscomet
We are also looking for community and business sponsors to support our program and keep growing. See our page for more details.
Reach out to Ms. Caturano with any questions ecaturano@east-haven.k12.ct.us
All ticket requests were due on November 3rd.
You will have until November 13 to have your outside guest form approved AND pay on E-Funds.
Thank you for your support!
The EHHS Class of 2024 Officers and Advisors
Register The Week For the December SAT
If you are interested in taking the Saturday December 2nd SAT at EHHS register at https://mysat.collegeboard.org/ by November 17th
Learn about fee waivers and see if you are eligible here: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat/registration/fee-waivers
World Kindness Day Is Tomorrow, November 13th
This Monday, Nov. 13th is WORLD KINDNESS DAY! World Kindness Day is a global observance dedicated to promoting and celebrating acts of kindness. This day serves as a reminder of the positive impact that kindness can have on individuals, communities, and the world at large. It encourages people to perform intentional acts of kindness and foster a culture of compassion and generosity.The EHHS Kindness Club would like to encourage our EHHS community to take a moment on this day to make a difference, no matter how small! Check out this calendar for ideas! (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S2vDpWI6dlJDWjIco4dboUqrAvRAvKxO/view?usp=drive_link)
Yearbook Reminders
Next Yearbook Committee Meeting
Next yearbook meeting will be on Monday 11/13 in W103. All are welcome!
Purchase Your Ad For Your Graduating Senior
Seniors & Senior parents/guardians, please click on the link for all information about the yearbook--buying ads for your graduating senior, buying a yearbook, etc. There are due dates of things as well. Any questions please reach out to Mrs. Gardner or Mrs. Wright.
Purchase Your Yearbook Now
Yearbooks are now on sale! The cost of the book is $70. Go to www.jostensyearbooks.com to purchase. The cost of book will be $80 after 11/17.
Comet Beat Club To Meet Tomorrow, November 13th
The Comet Beat club will be meeting on Monday November 13 at 3:00pm in E121 for anyone interested in joining the Newspaper staff as a reporter, investigator, photographer, artist, etc!
Class of 2024 - Pay Your Dues Now
SENIOR students must pay their class dues this fall! Dues will go towards the cost of caps and gowns for graduation and senior activities (luncheon, trip, prom, etc.). All students should pay $100 over the last four years ($25 for each year you are an EHHS student).
Pay on E-Funds: https://payments.efundsforschools.com/v3/districts/56620/
Check out this video on how to use E-Funds: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RIsKVGmXb4BsMO2p7Zk4Kjfl0GQhAFzc/view?usp=drive_link
From The School Counseling Department
Seniors - Start the FAFSA Process Now
Seniors, don't forget to start the Financial Aid process by signing up for an FSA ID through FAFSA. The sooner, the better. If you have any questions, see your counselor or Ms Reagan in Guidance.
Quarter 1 In The Books
Congrats on finishing Q1! If your Q1 grades weren't where you wanted them to be, change your work habits, sign up for more Office Hours and work to make Q2 better. Remember, if you are in a semester-long class, it is already half over. Now is the time to lock in!
Attendance Matters
Remember, class tardies start over in Q2 but absences do NOT!
- 3 class tardies (in one class) = lunch detention
- 13 absences (in a full-year class) = loss of credit
- 7 absences (in a semester-long class) = loss of credit
- 19 absences (in Algebra 1) = loss of credit
Check Power School to see where you stand and make sure to get to class on time!
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Meetinbg
FBLA will be meeting on Wednesday right after school in S106. Be sure to bring a friend. Also, keep in mind that our Holiday Bash will be on 12/9 at 2:00 pm at BWW in North Haven. Thank you to all the students and teachers that have sold and purchased Cancer Awareness bracelets. Please be sure to see an FBLA member or Mr Devany if you wish to purchase a bracelet, $3 for one bracelet or 2 for $5. We thank you all for your support.
Chews You Can Use. Bites From Culinary November Edition
The culinary department hosted tours for prospective eighth graders this week. Parents and rising students inspected The HIve Cafe and our Production Bakery. Future freshmen are excited to take classes in the culinary department. Thank you to our volunteer tour guides. Shout out to our junior bakers who helped out with baking cookies for our guests.
Calling all parents of culinary students. We want you in the classroom! Mrs Cooper set our second block classes straight on making macarons. We had students attempt this baked delight last year with miserable results. After the tutorial, we successfully executed some beautiful and delicious French macarons. Thank you for the lesson.
Classes have combined this week to take on the topic of fermentation in yeast doughs. Surprisingly we produced pretzel sticks, dinner rolls, garlic knots, pizza and bagels. That is an impressive list of baked goods. We were fortunate enough to host guests from Italy during our pizza unit. Deborah and Carmella spent the day with our students teaching them how to make authentic Neopolitan dough without using any measurements. The ladies were experts in their craft. Students produced brick oven baked pizzas and gave away slices to hungry faculty and staff.
On November 15th The Hive Cafe will open the door for our first full service meal honoring local Veterans at a brunch buffet.
Watch for The Hungry Hive food trailer to debut at the Thanksgiving Day football game versus Branford. We will be cooking up bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches with hot chocolate donut pillars.
Thanksgiving Recess
Reminder: East Haven Public Schools Will Be Closed Wednesday, November 22nd through Friday, November 24th.
We return to School on Monday, November 27th.