FSC Principal's Update
December 17, 2021
Please take a look at the #1 celebration below. In a world where sometimes we are inundated with negativity, I had to share this email from Mrs. Walker. It made me proud to be a part of this giving community!
I continue to be in awe of our students and staff. The Band concert on Wednesday was incredible. The PAC was packed with support and the students/staff put on a tremendous show. It is amazing to see the musical development from 5th grade to HS. This development speaks to the long hours of practice and spectacular teachers we have!
I hope you get the time over the holidays to spend quality time with loved ones. The hectic pace and schedule we keep sometimes doesn't allow for that much needed human connection.
Carol Miller
Staff Spotlight (Ali McCrae)
Dates to Remember
12/20 - 12/31 Winter Break
12/22/21- GIrls Varsity Bball (6:30)
1/3/22- School Resumes
1/4/22- Boys HS Bball (4:30/6/7:30)
1/5/22- MS Girls Bball (5:30)
1/7/22- Boys HS Bball (4:30/6/7:30)
2. The Varsity Boys Bowling team was victorious against St. X on Friday December 10, led by Nathan Deuitch who averaged 208 and Adam Stiemle who averaged 198. The Varsity Boys are currently 2nd in our athletic conference. The Varsity Boys posted a 269 baker game (which is a new school record). In a losing effort to St. Ursuline, the Varsity Girls continue to be competitive, led by Anya Revelle who averaged 154 on Friday. The girls are currently 3rd in our athletic conference.
Finneytown Middle School Winter Musical Auditions
Although we can't officially announce the show title yet, interested students can sign up for an audition slot and join the google classroom.
Auditions will be held January 6th and 7th.
Audition link - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0e4daca72ca57-finneytown1
Google Classroom code - qhxp715
Counseling Update
10th grade Great Oaks applications open: Applications for 10th grade students interested in applying to the Great Oaks Career Programs are now open. The priority deadline is Tuesday, Feb. 8. Virtual program tours are available here and the course catalogue is available here.
10th grade field trip to Diamond Oaks: All 10th grade students will have the opportunity to tour the Diamond Oaks campus on Friday, Jan. 21. Students must have their Emergency Medical Forms completed in order to attend. Please complete on Final Forms ASAP!
Additional resources:
Twitter: @fsc_counseling
Instagram: @fsccounseling
6th Grade November Students of the Month
Emily Hunter: Character
London Johnson: Effort
Carter Neefus: Spirit