Student Success Newsletter
January 2023
Happy New Year to each and every one of you. We hope enjoyed your winter break. We are excited for this second semester.
In this edition you will find important information and training dates for the following programs:
- Testing & Evaluation
- Intervention
- School Counseling
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Recently, I’ve received some questions regarding MLSS. The questions are typically framed “What are we doing for MLSS?” or “Will we receive MLSS?”
It is important to understand the MLSS is not 1 singular thing. There are many facets that are associated with the MLSS. It is broken into 7 components. The components are the following:
- Layer 1
- Layer 2
- Layer 3
- School Supports
- Family Engagement
- Community Schools
- Structured Literacy
Understanding this, there are several aspects of the MLSS that each school has focused on with Professional Development. Our 3 year Marzano partnership is intended to address Layer 1 instruction. Panorama and Performance Matters are data tracking tools to assist interventions in Layers 2 and 3. School Supports are addressed in the school NM Dash Plan as well as walkthroughs, and Early Out protected PLC time. Family Engagement is gathered through parent surveys and coffee with the principal or superintendent. Our community schools model is dependent on the extensive support we receive from Federal Programs. Evidence of Community Schools are student nutrition, school supplies, food banks, clothing banks, and various outreach initiatives led by our Associate Superintendent of Federal Programs, Rosy Villalobos. Finally, our structured literacy response is evidenced through past involvement in the SRCL grant as well as continuous LETRS training provided by the district.
In conclusion, it is important to note that the MLSS is not something we do but it is a reflection of our entire system. Every school conducts a self assessment during the fall which we as a district use as a guide to improve our overall processes and improve student success.
NMPED MLSS Implementation Guide
Sam Constant
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👉Upcoming Important Dates
- January 19th - Test Security training and documentation submitted, unless you spoke to me already
- January 20th - Close of the iMSSA MOY Window
- January 23rd - ACCESS window opens
- January 24th - EL Waivers due
- February 1st - Off Grade Level waivers due
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- Please continue to work with your teachers to complete and the DLM training. Remember this is a lengthy training that you and the teachers need to complete annually.
- I will be providing district leadership with updates on Mondays regarding the percentage of your students tested. We must hit 95% completion on all assessments from now until the end of the school year.
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👉Intervention teachers may modify student schedules and intervention services using new student data. The intervention services will continue to be a push in model with an opportunity for pull out services for targeted L3 services.
👉Intervention teachers may have the opportunity to work as Sylvan tutors after school if permissible by the campus administration.
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👉Cultural Shapers
On January 4, 2023-Security Guards, Health Assistants, POA's, Attendance Advocates, Human Resources, Finance, Elementary Library IA's and all office staff across the district attended a half day training. Please be sure to ask these individuals how they liked the training. It really was a wonderful experience!!
👉Capturing Kids Hearts-Recharged
On January 6, 2023 all secondary schools participated in a half day training provided by four trainers with Capturing Kids Hearts-Recharged.
👉Capturing Kids Hearts Visits
On February 7-8, 2023, Tina Tompkins, Capturing Kids Hearts strategist, will be visiting On Track campuses and the three elementary schools who are currently implementing Capturing Kids Hearts.
Elementary Schools Only:
OLWEUS QUESTIONNAIRE (OBQ) will go out next week via email to the lead BPCC member at each elementary school. Three weeks will be given for OBQ completion. Further details to follow via email next week.
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SEL Continues to be Priority in our District...
SEL continues to be a priority in our district. It starts with greeting children at the door. When teachers welcome students at the door attendance goes up and discipline goes down by 70%. How much does this take away from instruction time? ZERO.....
Please view this three minute video. SEL should and will continue to be priority in our district.
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👉Resources for Learning About Empathy on Valentine’s Day
Greater Good SEL Resources: UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center offers a ton of great resources for teachers.The education section features valuable content on the latest trends in and science on SEL. You might want to share “Six Habits of Highly Empathic People,” a great primer for anyone interested in empathetic thinking.Teachers will also find links to plenty of useful tools in ...
Alma Forti
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Celebrate your Counselor
National School Counseling Week: February 6-10
National School Counseling Week 2023 (#NSCW23) is Feb. 6-10, 2023, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. National School Counseling Week, sponsored by ASCA, highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. National School Counseling Week is always celebrated the first full week in February.
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HS/MS School Counselors Receive YMHFA Training
Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people and shows them how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. YMHFA course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders.
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👉Counselor Newsletters
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👉Hispanic Scholarship Opportunity
We hope this information was helpful to you. Do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.