February 2024 Newsletter
💟From Mrs.Teran, the Principal 💟
Dear Beeson Families,
We are now into February and it’s hard to believe we are officially past the halfway point of the school year. As we reflect on our strengths and weaknesses this year we will analyze and renew our goals for the remaining three months of the school year. The students are working hard and making strong gains in their learning. To the students, keep up the great work! Parents, your ongoing support of your children’s learning is vital to their success.
February marks a month-long celebration known as “Black History Month”. It is an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the history and achievements of African Americans.
In closing, we want to thank our families for your diligence in having your students at school on time and well-prepared for learning each day. In addition, please continue to be mindful that our students’ academic day continues until dismissal each afternoon and students mustn't be dismissed early unless an unavoidable appointment or emergency is involved as valuable instruction from the teacher can be missed in addition to required assignments. As always, thank you for supporting the wonderful teaching and learning taking place here at Beeson Elementary