LHS Update vol. 9
October 25, 2021
Upcoming Dates
- October 19-29 - LHS P/T Conferences. More information included below.
- October 29 - Halloween Dress Up Day. Staff and students can wear school appropriate costumes. No Halloween masks or face paint.
- November 2 - National Honor Society Induction ceremony 7:00 pm in the LHS auditorium. Face coverings are required.
- November 3 - LCS Board of Education meeting in the LHS media center at 7:00 pm. Face coverings are required.
- November 9 - LHS FAFSA Event. 5:30-7 pm. Face coverings are required.
- November 11 - Veteran's Day
- November 24-26 - Thanksgiving Break
LHS Fall P/T Conference Window Is Closing
LHS teachers will be given a two week period (Oct. 18-29) to schedule and conduct PT conferences.
LHS staff will make every effort to prioritize scheduling a virtual, or phone conference with parent(s) to discuss the growth and progress of any student whose grade is "D" or below.
LHS staff will offer the opportunity to schedule a virtual, or phone conference with parent(s) to discuss the growth and progress of any student who has a grade of "C' or above. Staff will be responsible for scheduling conferences with individual families/parents.
Building Protocols
We will start closing the main hallway doors leading to the academic portion of the building daily at 4:00 pm. Students that are remaining after school for practices, classroom assistance with teachers, or waiting for a ride home will be required to remain in the cafeteria. In addition, they will be expected to wear a facial covering while they remain in the building. If your student does not need to stay after school, they are expected to leave the building at the conclusion of the school day. Your attention to these details is greatly appreciated, will help with the after school issues we have been dealing with, as well as allowing our custodial crew to ensure that they have the ability to properly clean our building.
Youth Entrepreneurship Opportunity
In conjunction with the Genesee Intermediate School District (GISD), I am requesting approval to initiate a Youth Entrepreneurship Club at Linden High School. This District-Sponsored club would be an after school club, facilitated by a professionally trained advisor provided through the GISD, would provide 9-12 grade students with the opportunity to experience exploring the entrepreneurial mindset and the small business environment.
Intended Outcomes for Participating Students
The development of a small business idea from conception to presentation.
The ability to compete against other Genesee County students.
The ability to secure scholarship monies for the students business plan and presentation of ideas.
The exposure to resources and support for product development.
The potential partnership with local community experts, businesses, and professionals.
School Climate Survey (Families): A Parent School Climate Survey
All your responses are completely anonymous. We have no way to connect you to your answers, and results will only be reported as group responses. There are no right or wrong answers. We just want to know about your personal experiences.
As you respond to each item, think about your own personal experiences as a parent or caregiver at your child’s school. Please answer all items, or your answers won't count. This survey should take approximately 10 minutes.
Thank you for your time and participation!
Parent Climate Survey - (https://forms.gle/wvCnp9b8p3rmQCM79)
LVS and online students should follow the due dates established in their online classes. The schedule identified below, provides additional guidance as to where student's progress should be throughout the remainder of the semester.
- 11/24/2021 (Thanksgiving Break) 66%
- 12/10/2021 (¾ through the semester) 75%
- 12/23/2021 (Christmas Break) 92%
- 1/7/2022 (End of Semester) 100%
LHS is happy to announce that we'll be able to hold an in person FAFSA assistance night for seniors and their parents. Representatives from U of M Flint will be on hand to help guide parents and students through the FAFSA process. This event will take place on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, from 5:30pm-7:00pm in the high school media center. This event will start at 5:30pm with a brief discussion of the FAFSA and financial aid process followed by an opportunity for parents and students to complete the FAFSA. If you plan to attend, please fill out this Google Form so we can make sure we have enough computers and people to assist available. Those who attend should plan to bring their 2020 tax returns.