Sabre Scene
January 8, 2024
Principal's Message
Happy New Year Sabre Families,
On behalf of the Sal staff we want to wish you a happy and healthy 2024. We were so fortunate over the holidays to experience such beautiful, clear conditions that allowed families to travel safely and to gather as families. Although the highways were clear and dry, unfortunately so were the slopes of our majestic mountain ranges. So if you are a skier or snowboard, less than ideal winter conditions.
We are excited to see our students back in the hallways and classrooms enjoying our clean, well maintained school. Thanks to our caretaking staff and school operators, who put in a lot of time and effort every day, but especially during school breaks to ensure that teaching and learning happens in tidy and well looked after classrooms and spaces.
This week, we jump right into Part A diploma exams. English 30-1 & 30-2 is on Wednesday, January 10 and Social Studies 30-1 & 30-2 is on Thursday, January 11, 2024. Alberta Education has increased the weighted percentage of diploma exams back to pre-pandemic level of 30% for the 2023 - 2024 school year. Thus, it is important that students commit to regularly reviewing course work at home and asking for extra help from teachers if needed. All other exams for all grades will begin Monday, January 22, 2024. Thank you for supporting and encouraging your children through exams and giving them the confidence to earn their best. Please find below a link to the exam schedule for semester 1.
Grad News:
Just a reminder that graduation photo dates are open on the school website. Lifetouch will be available at Sal from Monday, January 22 - Friday, January 26, 2024. To book, go to the school website, navigate to Quick Links and then Graduation Information. For students to be included on the Grad Composite they must have their photo taken with Lifetouch with the sitting fee of $30.00 waived. For families purchasing packages a $30.00 fee is payable at time of session.
All the best in 2024 and please contact the school if you have any questions or concerns.
Liane Schultz
Acting Principal
Salisbury Composite High School
Email: general.sal@eips.ca
Website: salcomp.ca
Location: Salisbury Composite High School, Festival Way, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-467-8816
Facebook: facebook.com/salisburycomposite
Twitter: @SalComp