Weddington Middle School Newsletter
February 16, 2024
UCPS is changing the online payment provider to SchoolCash Online. It is a secure way to pay using Visa, Mastercard, eCheck and Apple Pay (coming soon). To make this process easier, SchoolCash Online will email an invitation on behalf of the UCPS to the primary guardian’s email address from PowerSchool to create an account. For those who have an account created already but haven’t linked their student to their account, they will receive an automated “Accept” email from SchoolCash Online to add each unlinked student – assuming the email addresses match up. The primary guardians can then share and manage their student’s account. Email Invitations will expire within 30 days of receipt.
Today is the last day to buy 6th dance tickets. Click here or scroll down to our PTSO section below.
This year, Black History Month focuses on "African Americans and the Arts" spanning the many impacts Black Americans have had on visual arts, music, cultural movements, and more.
Witness the enduring mark Black artists have made on American art through more than two centuries of Black art in this tour of the National Gallery of Art.
Wildcats of the Week
Information for Rising 6th Graders
Cheers to this worthy cause!
Here is an update on our WMS Pop Tab Drive to support the Ronald McDonald House of Eastern North Carolina.
This week Ms. Griffin’s homeroom moved into first place in our school wide competition. Her homeroom has a huge lead at 27,850 pop tabs. Mrs. Aycock’s homeroom is in second place with 19,001 and Mrs. Chirico’s homeroom is in third place with 13,400 pop tabs.
Mr. Foley’s homeroom has moved up to first place for the 7th grade with 8,016 pop tabs. Mrs. Bentley is now in second place for 7th grade with 6,528.
In 6th grade, Ms. Helms’s homeroom moved into first place with 9,750 pop tabs. Mrs. Hollingsworth is now in second place for 6th grade with 6,060 tabs.
Remember, we still have two weeks left to collect those pop tabs. This means there is still plenty of time to compete for that dress down day and pizza party!
Here are the updated grand totals for each grade level:
6th grade: 35,756
7th grade: 47,876
8th grade: 129,893
After three weeks of collecting pop tabs, the WMS Grand Total is now 213,525 pop tabs!
Wow, Wildcats! Let’s continue bringing in those pop tabs to support this worthy cause!
Upcoming Events
February 19--Teacher Work Day
February 23--Club Day, 6th Grade Dance
Early Dismissal/Absence Info
- If your child is leaving early, please have him/her stop in at the front desk before school with a note to receive an early dismissal pass. There are no early dismissals after 3:30.
- In the event your child is absent/comes late/leaves early from school due to illness/injury, please provide written documentation to our front office. Either a doctor’s note or written parent note is required to excuse the absence. Remember, parent notes will only be accepted during the current 6-week grading period of the absent day. For more information regarding attendance, please reference the UCPS policy found on the website.
- Phone calls are not acceptable for calling a child out sick.
Help your child prepare for school the night before!
2023-2024 Administrators
Marcus Leake, Principal
Elizabeth Gobble, 6th grade Assistant Principal
Ronnie West, 7th grade Assistant Principal
Eric Grieser, 8th grade Assistant Principal
Parents, BOX TOPS has now made it easier than ever to scan your BOX TOPS and earn money for WMS! Download the BOX TOPS App at https://www.boxtops4education.com and simply scan your store receipt with the Box Tops mobile app to instantly add cash to our school's earnings online.
Check out https://www.wmsptso.org/free-money for more ways to earn money for WMS!
About Us
Email: amy.rogers@ucps.k12.nc.us
Website: https://www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Domain/56
Location: 5903 Deal Road, Matthews, NC, USA
Phone: 704.296.6318
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeddingtonMS.NC/
Twitter: @WMSINFO