Week 10 Announcements
Quarter 1 Grades are posted!
Please review your grades as they stand to make sure there are no discrepancies! Well done to those that are on track!! Those that are struggling to keep up, I hope to hear from you this week to make a catch-up plan. #tametheprocrastinationdragon
Sign up for Parent Conferences!
District-Wide Parent Conference days are Thursday, October 27th and Friday, October 28th. Encourage your parents to sign up for a conference to meet with me to share concerns or questions.
Need to make a Catch-Up Plan?
Make a copy of your Course Pacing Guide and set new due dates. Don't forget to share the document with Ms. A!
Contact Ms. A with Questions
Text #: 631-494-2462
Email: aadams@kpbsd.org
Website: www.teachingjedi.com
Location: Seward High School, Swetmann Avenue, Seward, AK, United States
Phone: 907-224-9074
Twitter: @teachingjedi