MST Weekly Update
November 9, 2023
Good afternoon to all of our MST family members.
This was a short week, but we had a few things happening this week and few more events next week. Today marked the end of the first quarter of the school year. Report cards, which at MSTHS are really progress reports, will hopefully be issued week. MST was featured on WMUR's Chronicle again on Wednesday. We are also in the middle of our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive to make food baskets for our community.
Nest week our seniors will have the opportunity to apply to several NH colleges and universities right here at MST and they will also be able to participate in a Zoom discussion with professionals from the law enforcement intelligence community.
Saturday November 11th is Veterans' Day. Thank you to all who have served our country in the military or are presently serving. Your service is greatly appreciated.
Morning Drop Off
If you are driving your child to MST in the morning, we ask that you follow a few basic procedures so that everyone can remain safe. In recent weeks, several people have commented as to how there have been many near misses in the morning as cars pass others that are dropping off students.
- If your drop off is a routine one with your child just getting out of the car quickly, please just pull forward, drop off your child and wait for any cars in front of you to do the same before leaving. Make sure that your child looks carefully before exiting the car and crossing the road. DO NOT PASS any cars dropping off students.
- If you need a bit longer to take items out f the car, change drivers, etc., please turn into the lower parking lot and drop your child off there so that you are not holding up the flow of traffic.
In the past, we have blocked off the road in the morning and had all cars go through the lower parking lot. If the situation continues in front with cars passing those that are dropping off students, we will be doing that again.
Understanding the MSTHS Report Card
When report cards are issued soon, most of the grades will be similar because at this point in the year, the level of competency is 1 for most, if not all of the classes. In a competency system, the total progress is reported for each marking period. Think of a 1 as being 1/3 of the way to a completing a competency, a 2 is about 2/3 of the way, and a 3 means that student has met competency. When all competencies are a 3 or better for a course, credit is earned. If a student goes above and beyond, a 4 may be earned in a competency. In reality, the MST-HS report card is really a progress report of where your child is at that moment in time.
The first report card is the most confusing as the 1 could mean they have not done any work, they have done little work, or they may be on track to earn credit. That is why the teacher comments are so important. The comments will tell you how your child is performing at this time in each class.
PLEASE NOTE that if your child is in a CTE class, that class will have a traditional letter grade.
Please see the attachment below for a further explanation.
Thanksgiving Food Drive
The Class of 2027 is sponsoring the annual MST Thanksgiving Basket Food Drive. From 11/6/23 to 11/17/23, students can bring non-perishable food to their advisory teacher. Food will be collected and tallied over the two weeks. The advisory with the most donations will receive a goodie tray from Chef McGee! Suggested Items for the Thanksgiving Baskets:
- stuffing (like Stove Top)
- gravy (cans, jars, or packets)
- instant potatoes
- canned potatoes
- canned vegetables
- bread mixes
- dessert mixes (cookies, brownies, cakes, etc)
All other non-perishable food items are also welcome! Any donations that don't go into baskets will be added to the MST student food pantry.
MST on WMUR's Chronicle
On Wednesday, 2023 MSTHS graduate Samantha DiMino was featured on WMUR's Chronicle on a segment about MST's Aviation program. In July, Sam copiloted the RV-12 plane built by MST to the Experimental Aircraft Association AirVenture show in Oshkosh, WI. This week's episode, which can be viewed HERE, is the second Chronicle episode about the plane build program, with this episode summarizing the completion of plane #1. The aviation program inspired Sam to pursue getting a pilot's license and she is also now in the Air Force Reserves.
The Aviation program started in the summer of 2019 with a plan to build a Vans RV-12 plane over the next 12-18 months. When COVID hit in March of 2020, the program initially came to a halt and then proceeded slowly with the first plane being completed in July of 2022. In January of 2020, Chronicle aired their first segment about the aviation program which can be seen HERE.
Construction of the second plane is well underway and will hopefully be completed by the end of the school year.
On Monday, November 13th we will be hosting an ApplyNH day at MST. This event is for seniors who are interested in applying to a New Hampshire College or University. There will be admissions counselors from some NH Colleges here to help fill out and submit your application that day. If you are interested, please see Mrs. Tetu or Ms. Wheeler to sign up.
Careers in the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.
2024 Yearbooks On Sale Now!
Online Yearbook Sales have begun! All yearbook purchases will occur through Jostens directly. Additionally, there are customizable advertisements for our seniors, please be sure to take a look at this memorable option.
Important Dates For First Quarter (and Beyond)
Thursday, November 9th-End of Quarter 1
Friday, November 10th-No School for Students, Veterans' Day Observed
Monday November 13th-ApplyNH Day
Tuesday November 14th-Information session about careers in the CIA, FBI, etc from 11AM-12 PM
Wednesday, November 22-Sunday, November 27th-Thanksgiving Break
That's all for this week! Have a great weekend.
Timothy Otis-Principal
Manchester School of Technology
Location: 100 Gerald Connors Circle, Manchester, NH, USA
Phone: 603-624-6490
The mission of the Manchester School of Technology is to foster a safe and respectful learning environment while cultivating academic and technical competency, career success, and social awareness.