Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ October 22, 2018
April Board Election
Three seats on the seven member Oak Grove School Board of Education will be filled at the April 2 election. Candidates elected will serve four-year terms expiring in April of 2023. The seats expiring are currently filled by Amy Frantz, Lane Hasler and Tony Giamis.
Residents interested in running for the Board can pick up a petition packet at the Lake County Clerk’s office at 18 N. County Street in Waukegan or download one from their website.
The following are important election dates to remember:
Tuesday, September 18, 2018 - PETITION CIRCULATION: First day for school board candidates to circulate nominating petitions.
Monday, December 10, 2018 - CONSOLIDATED ELECTION CANDIDATE FILING: Candidate filing period begins; first day for candidates to file their original nominating petitions, statement of candidacy, and receipt of filing of Statement of Economic Interests, to the office of county clerk or county board of election commissioners.
Monday, December 17, 2018 - CONSOLIDATED ELECTION CANDIDATE FILING: Candidate filing period ends.
Monday, December 24, 2018 OBJECTIONS: Last day to file objections to nominating petitions.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018 - BALLOT PLACEMENT LOTTERY: Last day for ballot placement lottery, held by the county clerk for the first and last spots on the ballot if multiple candidates’ papers are filed simultaneously in the first and last hours of the filing period.
Thursday, January 24, 2019 - WITHDRAWAL OF CANDIDACY: Last day candidate may file Withdrawal of Candidacy
Thursday, January 31, 2019 - WRITE-IN CANDIDATES: Last day to file a Declaration of Intent to be a write-in candidate
Elections are nonpartisan and Board candidates do not indicate a political party affiliation. For more information about the nature and duties of serving on a School Board, contact the Illinois Association of School Boards at www.iasb.com/training/community_resources.cfm for a free booklet, “Your School Board and You.”
Lost and Found
A glove without a match, sitting, just waiting, is a such a lonely place to be...
Red Ribbon Week
Beginning October 23rd through October 31st, Oak Grove students will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week by participating in a variety of activities. The red ribbon symbolizes a commitment to a drug free, healthy lifestyle... no use of any illegal drug and no abuse of a legal drug. The school will be decorated with the red ribbon message. We at Oak Grove are joining the community in educating our children about the dangers of drugs and encouraging them to lead healthy, successful lives.
Principal Appreciation Week
The Illinois Principal's Association is proud to sponsor "Illinois Principal Appreciation Week" October 22-26th. On behalf of the students and staff of Oak Grove, I too wish to give "thanks" to Mr. Fenton and Mrs. Melamed. They do so much for all of us on a daily basis. They have very busy and very hectic jobs. They assume great responsibility and work hard each day to help provide an awesome learning environment for your children.
Like you, Andrew and Lilli are proud parents and understand how important a quality education is for our children. They are invested in making Oak Grove not only the best school district in the region, but in the state, and entire nation.
If you get a chance this week, please take a moment to reach out to Mrs. Melamed and Mr. Fenton to say, "thank you" for all that they do for our family at Oak Grove.
Have a great week!
Oak Grove School Education Foundation Grant Recipients
The Foundation was recently honored to recognize the teachers that received a funding grant during the last school year. The grants awarded focused on the development of the whole child and enabled teachers to differentiate programming in the classroom and incubate new ideas in areas such as STEM, Arts & Language, Social and Emotional Learning, Physical Activity and Innovation & Creativity.
Awardees included:
Andrea Dunn
Ashleigh Grambo
Ashley Evans
Becky Honaker
Cindy Hamlin
Dan Henneberry
Danielle Sonshine
Erin Vance
Heather McCarty
John Mehnert
Kathy Mahoney
Kelly Sweeney
Logan Farris
Lynn Klunder
Lynn Koehler
Lynn Pusateri
Maria Luce
Melanie Ludington
Sarah Paulson
Wendy Miller
Leave your Mark at Oak Grove with a Playground Paver!
Our children's memories of their time at Oak Grove will last a lifetime, so take this opportunity to leave a permanent mark with a custom brick paver in our elementary playground and support innovative curriculum enhancements for your children at the same time! Order by October 26th for installation this year. Go to http://www.ogsef.org/playground-pavers.html for more information and to place your order.
Morning Tardies
Thank you for your cooperation.
Band News
Beginning Band
Beginning Band has gotten underway and students should be practicing on pages 4 & 5 in their Essential Elements books. Let's all try to aim for 15 minutes per day. Parents, you can help set your child up for success by helping to carve out a specific time and/or place in the house to make practicing a part of the daily routine.
Full band rehearsals to begin:
On Thursday, October 25th, students in Osterman/Dunn homerooms will have their first full band rehearsal at noon. (Mr. Jones will be at LHS all day Thursday, Nov. 1 with the 6-8 band students for the fall festival. There will be no Full Band rehearsal that day.)
On Tuesday, October 30th, Sonshine/Klunder homeroom students will have their first full band rehearsal.
Mr. Jones will be giving students their activation codes for Essential Elements next week. Please be sure to activate your child’s account so they may get started using the online interactive tutorials and karaoke!
Symphonic Band
Monday night (tonight) is the Pre-Festival rehearsal at Highland Middle school from 7-9 p.m. Highland is located at 310 W Rockland Rd, Libertyville, IL 60048. Mr. Gohr will be there from LHS to help us prepare our music for the festival. We will take Tuesday morning (10/23) off from Jazz Band to recoup and get a little rest.
Looking ahead to the festival; parents, please check to be sure your child has a set of black pants, black dress shoes, and a white top that fit them before the festival. This is the concert uniform for all band performances throughout the year. Also, each student will need to bring their folding stand for the day and evening performances. Please put a swatch of masking tape on both parts of your stand and put your name on it in marker so it can be identified and returned afterward.
There are only five morning rehearsals left before the Festival. Each one of them is very important. Please try to make them all, if possible. If you see a conflict ahead of time, please try to reschedule to miss the Tuesday or Thursday morning rehearsal instead.
Mr. Jones will send the email to order festival tickets next week. The festival is Thursday, Nov. 1st. 7:30 p.m. at LHS Gymnasium.
The Symphonic Band performs in the Veteran's Day Ceremony the following week, Friday, Nov. 9.
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
On Friday, November 16th, you will be receiving your child’s report card for the first trimester. We wanted to share information regarding the reporting of standards, for report cards in kindergarten through fifth grade.
Standards will be reported by trimester for all grade levels K-5.
Student learning is being reported to indicate a student’s abilities based on expectations at this point in the school year (How a student is progressing along the learning continuum towards mastering the learning goals)
A student may receive a ‘3’ in Tri 1 and a ‘2’ in Tri 2 as learning expectations become more rigorous from one trimester to the next
The standard states: “Asks and answers questions about the text”
Trimester 1, to earn a ‘4-achieved’ the expectation for the student is: To answer questions asked by the teacher
Trimester 2, to earn a ‘4-achieved’ the expectation is the same as trimester one with the addition of: To use specific details in their response (ex. beginning, middle, end, who, what, when, where, how)
Trimester 3, to earn a ‘4-achieved’ the expectation is the same as trimester two with the addition of: To ask questions specific of the text (Why did the character go ____?, What does this word mean?, Why did they go to the park?)
Work Habits will be reported by trimester for all grade levels K-5.
Student Work Habits (learner characteristics) are being reported to indicate a student’s behaviors at this point in the school year
Changed from Frequently to Occasionally and from Sometimes to Seldom
Updated for 2018-2019 - Student Work Habits
- C for Consistently, O for Occasionally, S for Seldom
Previously in 2017-2018 - Student Learner Characteristics
- C for Consistently, F for Frequently, S for Sometimes
3rd- 8th Grade Fitness Reports Update
Technology Device Information
Your child has an iPad or laptop to use for the 2018-19 school year. With the device, a travel case and charger were given to be used. Students are asked to keep the charger in a safe place at home to be able to charge their device nightly. The device must travel to and from school in the black padded case they have been provided. This is to help protect the device from damage. We ask for your help to remind your child to use the case when the device is traveling. If damage to the device, case, or accessories occur, the costs as of October 2018 can be found here.
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120