Coronavirus Update - District Plans
Parent information regarding the coronavirus
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Greetings NPS Parents,
These are trying times. Our nation is facing unprecedented challenges as we strive to collectively prevent the spread of the coronavirus, known as COVID-19.
As you know, the State Board of Education voted to close all public schools. Currently, we plan to resume school Monday, April 6. However, this could change due to public health and safety concerns. We encourage everyone to prepare for this possibility should it become necessary to further extend the duration of school closures.
We are doing the very best we can to navigate the uncertainty of this rapidly evolving situation and we understand there are many questions. We have posted answers to the most commonly asked questions at www.normanpublicschools.org/health. Please bookmark this webpage, as we will continue to update the answers as new information becomes available.
Perhaps the most important question we have received is if students will receive meals during the closure. The answer is yes, students will be fed. Beginning Wednesday, March 25, any child under 18 years old can receive free meals. Click here to learn more about our meal distribution plan.
Additionally, we have received a lot of questions about continuing to provide education for students during the closure. The State Department of Education has stated that Oklahoma school districts cannot continue education programs or provide virtual education for students at this time. However, we have compiled a list of educational resources for students and families, which are available here. We have also provided a list of resources for families who wish to speak to their children about the virus, or would like guidance on how to manage anxiety during this time.
We appreciate the generosity of so many people who have asked how they can help. During the school closure, those who wish to support students and families with donations or volunteer services are encouraged to do so through the United Way of Norman. Please visit www.unitedwaynorman.org/covid19 for more information.
It may also be heartening for you to know that we are part of a community wide response team with regard to the coronavirus. We have sent our virtual health units to Norman Regional Health System for their use and our cleaning crews have extended their hours to also help clean city and county buildings with our advanced sanitizing tools. These organizations have stood by us through the years in our service to students and it is an honor for us to help when we can.
While this is an incredibly difficult time, we can take comfort in knowing we are all in this together. While not everyone who contracts the virus will become severely ill, those who are at-risk of developing life-threatening complications are our friends, family and neighbors. It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child. We now understand that it also takes a village to protect us all. Please stay home when possible and join us in protecting the Norman community.
Dr. Nick Migliorino
Norman Public Schools
Current as of March 18, 2020
Norman Public Schools
Values: Integrity | Inclusiveness | Collaboration | Optimism
Email: normanpublicschools@norman.k12.ok.us
Website: normanpublicschools.org
Location: 131 South Flood Avenue, Norman, OK, United States
Facebook: facebook.com/normanpublicschools
Twitter: @NormanSchools