In the Lincoln Loop March 2022
Home of the Preschool, Kindergarten, & 1st Grade Vikings!
Lincoln Elementary School
Secretary: Sarah Swanson
Billing Clerk: Meagan Genton
Location: 1800 Dirr Avenue, Parsons, KS, USA
Phone: 620-421-3510
Twitter: @LincolnVikings
In This Month's Edition...
- Yearbook Order Deadline
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Spring Break
- Spring Picture Day
- No School Day
- 22-23 Preschool Information
- Early Childhood Screening Date
- Policy Reminders
- Important Upcoming Events
- Yearbook Orders are Due!!! ALL YEARBOOK ORDERS ARE DUE ON MARCH 10th!! You can order online or with a paper packet. Please make sure all packets are turned into the office by March 10th!
- Technology Fees are Due! The technology fee for 21-22 is $25/student, or $75 max/family. If you haven't already, please bring your payment to the Lincoln Office. We accept cash, check, money order, and credit/debit card. You can pay online as well.
- PTO: There will be a PTO meeting at the Parsons Public Library on March 23rd @ 6:00pm.
- Site Council: There will be a meeting on March 24th at 5:00 via Zoom. Please email Mrs. Gardner for the meeting ID information at
- Early Childhood Screenings: If you would like to make an appointment for your child to have an early childhood screening, please call the Tri-County Office at 620-331-6303. The next date for screenings is March 7th.
Parent/Teacher Conferences on March 8th & 9th
First Grade:
NO SCHOOL on Friday, March 11th, & Spring Break from March 14-18
Spring Picture Day - Wednesday, March 23rd
We Are Now Accepting Preschool Applications for the 2022-2023 School Year!
- Must be 3- or 4-years old on or before August 31st, 2022.
- Has reliable transportation to and from school (preschool students are not eligible to ride the bus to and from school).
- Must be potty-trained! (Can use the restroom on their own, no pull-ups).
Please keep in mind that this is an application, NOT an enrollment. Preschool applications must be processed and approved by the school first, and will then either be approved or put on our waitlist. You will ONLY complete the enrollment once it is approved.
Acceptance letters will be sent out in June or July, and letters with their teacher information will be sent out after.
Below is the link to our fillable PDF application on our website, as well as the document itself if you'd like to print it out and fill it out that way. Or, we have physical copies in the office that you can pick up!
You can email your completed application to the school secretary, Sarah Swanson at If you have any questions at all about our preschool programs, please don't hesitate to call the office!
Important Upcoming Events!
Low-Income Energy Assistance Program - From the Kansas Department for Children & Families
"LIEAP provides an annual benefit to help qualifying households pay winter heating bills. Persons with disabilities, older adults and families with children are the primary groups assisted. Applications for the program will be accepted beginning Monday, Jan. 3.
To qualify, applicants must be responsible for direct payment of their heating bills. Income eligibility requirements are set at 150 percent of the federal poverty level. The level of benefit varies according to household income, number of people living in the home, type of residence, type of heating fuel and utility rates.
Applicants need to have made payments on their heating bill two out of the last three months. Those payments must be equal to or exceed $80 or the total balance due on their energy bills, whichever is less.
Applications for the program have been mailed to households that received energy assistance last year. LIEAP applications are also available at local DCF offices and through partnering agencies starting Jan. 3. They can be
requested by calling 1-800-432-0043.
To apply online, visit
For more information, visit
Applications will be accepted from Jan. 3 to 5 p.m. March 31.
Safety Reminders!
- Please use the designated crosswalks! If it is busy during morning or afternoon drop off/pick up, please don't let your child cross the street by themselves!
- Do NOT park in the bus lane! There are signs by the bus lane on both sides of the school. Please do NOT park in the bus lane!
- It is illegal to pass a bus with its lights on and stop signs out. If you come across a stopped bus with it's stop signs out and lights flashing, do NOT pass it, regardless which side of the road you are on! It's against the law and while you can receive a hefty fee if pulled over, the sentence is much worse if you happen to hit a child.
Useful Links
Policies & Basic Info
Policy Reminders
- Masks are now considered optional, but strongly encouraged in the building.
- On days your child is absent for any reason, please contact the office. To prevent the automatic call, please notify us before 8:30.
- Please do not let your child cross the street without an adult, and always use the marked cross walks. Do not park in the drop off/bus lane, or block any residential driveways.
- If your child will have a change of plans as to how they are going to get home, please call the office before 3:00 so we can get them where they need to be. For AM Pre-K, please call before 10:30.
- School hours are from 8:00-3:30 for Kindergarten and First Grade. AM Pre-K classes are from 8:00-11:00, and PM Pre-K is from 12:20-3:20.
- School doors open at 7:40 every morning.
- If you are running late for morning drop-off (after 8:10) please sign your student in at the front office. You must sign them in if they will be coming after this time.
- Late start every Wednesday. Doors will still open at 7:40am, breakfast will be served 7:40 to 8:15am, and class will start at 8:30 am. Busses will run 25 min later than normal.
- Birthday Treats- All treats must be pre-packaged and store bought.
Meals & Pre-K Fee Info
- ALL student meals will be free for the entire 2021-2022 school year. This includes students who would not normally qualify for free or reduced lunches.
- Breakfast is in the gym starting at 7:40
- Daycare lunch is from 11:05 - 11:35
- Kindergarten lunch is from 11:15-11:45 and First Grade lunch is from 12:00-12:30.
- At this time, parents are not able to eat in the cafeteria with the students.
- Preschool fees have been waived for the duration of the 2021-2022 school year for all preschool students.
- If you have any questions regarding your student's account(s), please call the office or email Meagan, the billing secretary :
21-22 Child Care Services
- Before School (6:45am-7:30am): $15/week.
- Opposite of PreK (8:00am-12:20pm or 11:00am-3:20pm): $50/week.
- After School- Available for PreK-8th grade (3:30pm-5:15pm): $25/week.
A few things will be different from previous years...
- You must have a child care form completed.
- No drop-ins allowed without a child care form in our records.
- This is a pay ahead program, meaning you must have the week paid IN FULL prior to your child attending.
- Fees will be charged by the week instead of by the day, regardless of how many days you used these services. However, if your child is quarantined by the health department, you will be exempt from paying for that time, or if it is a short school week due to a holiday, inservice, or inclement weather.
Payment is due on Monday of each week. We currently have openings for Before School and Morning PreK Daycare. All other sessions have a waitlist at this time.
If you are interested in using these services, please fill out the form attached below and return to the Lincoln School office, or email to Forms are also available at the office.
Daycare Payment Info
- Payment is due each week on Monday. This MUST be paid to hold the spot for the student. Statements will be sent home each week with student (if a balance is due).
- Payments can be by cash, check, paid online, or by phone. If you are writing a check, please make it payable to Lincoln Elementary. Use the KanPay Payments link above to submit an online payment.