Monday Notes
January 22, 2024

Thank you!
A huge thank you to everyone that helped make the 2024 All-State Music Festival and In-Service Conference a huge success. There are too many to name individually, but please know you are appreciated! Without the help of each of you, this event wouldn't be possible.
Additionally, a huge thank you to the Executive Committee who have already begun planning the 2025 conference as well as to Kathy & Lauren Espinoza. THANK YOU!
Quick Survey
Please take a few minutes and complete this quick survey pertaining to All-State and other NMMEA matters.
Election - Executive Committee
Watch for an email that will be going to members on January 23 with a link to vote for the next Executive Committee officers. Remember the the email will go to the address associated with your NAfME membership. Make sure to vote!
Jazz All-State
A huge thank you to everyone who made Jazz All-State a huge success. Great host, great clinicians, great students, and Vocal Jazz is off and running! What a great inaugural year!
Scholarship Opportunity
Band directors, please encourage your students to apply for the Bruce Kroken Memorial Scholarship. The winner is to be featured on the Albuquerque Concert Band concert on April 7, 2024 and receive $1,500 toward their college tuition. Any student planning on attending college in New Mexico and planning to continue playing is eligible. More information can be found here.
Summer Music Educators Workshop
Mark your calendars now and plan to join us in the Albuquerque area on July 13th for the annual Summer Music Educators Workshop. Registration and workshop information will be available later this spring...but mark those calendars today!