Maize Intermediate School
January 5, 2024
A message from Principal, Mr. Roulhac
Hello Eagles!
I hope you all had a great Holiday Break, getting a chance to unwind and unplug with family and friends! I wanted to welcome you back to the Spring semester at Maize Intermediate School and pass along some important information and reminders as we get this semester underway.
Schedule Changes
Your 5th and 6th Grade students have had a couple slight changes to their schedules at semester. If you have a 5th Grade student, they will now have Social Studies instead of Science. If you have a 6th Grade student, they will now have Science instead of Social Studies. All students who had Music during the Fall semester, will now have PE during the Spring semester and vice versa. If you happen to have any questions about your child's specific schedule, please reach out to your students' Eagles Landing teacher.
Eagles IGNITE Clubs
We had an incredible first semester with Eagles IGNITE Clubs at MIS! It was topped off by our Variety Show Club students putting on one heck of a Variety Show at the end of last semester. Students were given the option to choose new Clubs at semester and they will be getting those new Club assignments today. We have three new Club offerings this semester through a partnership with the Maize Career Academy.
Warm Clothes for Cold Weather
Just a friendly reminder that you are sending your students in warm clothes to be able to go outside during these cold winter months. We will go outside for recess until the Feels Like temperature drops below 19 degrees. Please make sure you are sending your students with what they need to stay warm!
Chromebooks Charged and Ready
A friendly reminder to make sure that your student is charging their Chromebooks at home and bringing their Chromebook with them everyday. We do have a very limited number of Loaner Chromebooks available, but please do not have your student rely on checking one out everyday. If your student checks out at a Loaner Chromebook more than five times in a quarter, they will lose the privilege of taking their Chromebook home for the remainder of the quarter.
Lost and Found
We have accumulated a large amount of Lost and Found items. We will be donating those items at the end of the day Friday, Jan. 12th, if they are not claimed. Please make sure to remind your students to look through the Lost and Found before the end of this week.
5th Grade and 6th Grade Fun Nights!
More information will be coming out soon about these fun after school events for your 5th Grade and 6th Grade students. We will host a Fun Night afterschool for our 6th Grade students on January 26th and for our 5th Grade students on February 2nd. Both Fun Nights will start directly after school and end at 5:30pm. More information will be coming out next week!
These next few months can be difficult when it comes to consistent attendance. We all want to stress the importance of consistent attendance to your students' academic, emotional and social success. A major emphasis for our students this year has been about the importance of building your perseverance muscle. It is a really important skill to learn how to do hard things (like waking up and coming to school), even when you don't want to.
Per adopted Board of Education policy, you have 3 days after a doctor's visit to turn in documentation to excuse an absence. You may email/fax a copy or have your child bring it to the secretaries in the Front Office. New adopted Board of Education policy also states students are allowed 7 Unexcused Absences, when a student exceeds that total, they may/will be reported as truant to the Kansas Department of Children and Families. Please reach out to me if you have any questions.
Mr. Roulhac
Maize Intermediate School Principal
Stay Connected
Visit our website at
Connect with Mr. Roulhac at or call 316-462-8201.
Maize Intermediate School is located at 12100 W. 45th St. N. in Maize.
Hello Eagle Families,
We hope everyone had a wonderful break!
During the month of January the fifth graders will be watching films with regard to Human Growth & Development. Boys and Girls will watch the films separately with same sex adults. A specific date and time will be determined and shared soon. If you have questions or prefer for your student to not watch these films please email your counselor. We are also including a link to the films if you would like to preview them ahead of time. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you!!
A-G Miranda Montano
H-N Amanda Corning
O-Z Judy Brown
Please click the link below for the counseling team's December Newsletter!
OFFICE HOURS: 7:00am - 3:15pm
OFFICE PHONE: (316) 462-8201
Student Absences: If your student is absent please call the school office each day BEFORE 10:00. If you notify the teacher of an absence, you MUST also call the school office. If your child is late, leaves early or is absent all day due to a doctor's appointment, please make sure you bring a doctor's note to the office the next day.
School begins promptly at 7:45am
Students are not allowed in the building until 7:20am
After School Transportation:
If your child has a transportation change during the day and your child is unaware of the change, please call the office.
Call the school office BEFORE 1:00pm M/T/TH/F
Call the school office BEFORE 12:00pm Wednesday (Early Release @ 2:15pm)
Books and classes:
Students can check out two books at a time for two weeks at a time. Students can check out books before school and anytime during school.
Students will come to the library once a week for class! In class students learn about library organization, digital citizenship, online safety, Google applications, and more!
Damaged or lost library books:
Please let Mrs. Lehner know about any damaged or lost books as soon as possible. We will let you know the replacement cost and have a new one purchased and shipped to the school. We will not accept replacement books purchased outside of the school at this time. Any books that are damaged but still able to circulate in the library will be charged 25% of the replacement cost.
Chromebook Policy/ Reminders:
Students may only borrow a Chromebook from the library five times a quarter (9 weeks). After the fifth time, students will have to keep their chromebook at school. All students will restart at zero loaner chromebooks after winter break.
Students will also receive a loaner chromebook when their device is getting fixed. These will not count toward the 5 per quarter.
IDs and Lanyards
New: Parents can pay with cash or have charges placed on their Skyward account. Cash payments must be made at the time the ID is printed or lanyard is received.
According to board policy, all students must wear a Maize ID and lanyard at all times while at school. Students who lose their lanyard or ID will come to the library to get a new one. $3.00 will be charged for each lanyard and ID ($6.00 for both) that needs to be replaced.
Scholastic Book Club:
Place an order of $25 or more and you can pick a FREE $5 book (use code READS at checkout) to add to your reader’s TBR pile!
Family Order Due Date: 02/02/2024
Orders shipped to the school have free shipping! Class Code: JZ3M3
So far this school year students have checked out:
6,494 books
1,269 chromebooks
321 books are overdue
NEW THIS YEAR, our health rooms will now have over the counter Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, Tums, and Zyrtec. If you would like your child to receive these medications when needed, please login to your Skyward account and fill out the consent form. We CANNOT administer these medications until this form is completed.
The nurse's office provides clothing to students in need. This can be because of an accident, spill, or ripped/torn clothing. We are in need of pants. If you have any to donate, please have your student drop them off in the nurse's office. The sizes needed the most are youth XL, adult XS, and adult small.
Thank you!
Loni Smith, RN
Maize Intermediate School
Fax: 316-462-8202